Recent Posts
Topic: RE: Initial Consult with Dr Frezza, Lubbock TX
Hi Richard, it sounds like you had a great consultation with Dr. Frezza. I am glad that it is going to work out for you. Give me a call later and tell me about it!
Cee Cee

Topic: Let's lend a hand: IVAN, etc.
If you're like me, you've spent a great deal of time sending positive thoughts and perhaps prayer to those who live in the path of the recent hurricanes and tornadoes that have been hammering the South over the past several weeks. Like me, you may also be thinking, "What can I do to help? How can I provide support to those in need?"
Well, AMOS folks are great at giving online support; we send words of greeting and encouragement to those who still have internet access or the means to communicate with us in some other way. But surely, for every person in those states *****aches out to us, there are many more behind them who are suffering in silence (at least to our ears and eyes).
What can we do? I am not sure, but I am willing to bet that my AMOS friends are asking themselves this very question. So, perhaps we can put our heads together and come up with a plan....
I'll contribute a few of my early-morning brainstorms. Please add to the list. But don't stop there; providing your ideas doesn't make them happen. Please get in touch with your local support groups, network with support leaders in states affected by the storm, and communicate with ObesityHelp your good ideas and plans. Let's put our heads and hands together, to provide support to our AMOS friends in need!
Ideas that we can put into action, individually or with others in our support groups and/or with AMOS friends from our own state:
-Gather together and provide scholarship money to send selected chapter or local support group leaders to the OH convention in CA next month;
-Bring needed supplies (toiletries, clothing, FRIENDSHIP) to distribute at the OH convention (or send directly) to those in the path of the storms;
-Send postings of support to the home pages of states whose members are affected by the recent devastations
Please don't let your support end at the compassion or idea stage. Lend a hand as well. Our strength is in our association and is evidenced by our individual actions.
May only warm and gentle winds blow your direction,
Obesity Help 1-866-WLS-INFO (957-4636)
Other OH contact information can be found at

Topic: Initial Consult with Dr Frezza, Lubbock TX
16 September 2004:
I flew out to Lubbock TX with my mentor Dorothy B and her husband Bill. We had a great time, Bill and I had our initial consultative visit with Dr. Frezza. After meeting him and some of his staff, Bill, Dorothy, and I were very impressed. I received a check list of items that need to be accomplished, they seemed to be surprised that most of my checks were done. I should have a surgery date by the end of October or beginning November. I am glad I went to meet with Dr. Frezza, that just goes to show you that don't go by what others say, go see for yourself. God bless and I will keep you posted.
Topic: Denial by OPM
Well all, my human resources denied my request to go out of Network with Dr Blackstone in Scottsdale AZ. I received the letter on 14 September 2004. I will update more later.
Topic: RE: Goodmorning New Mexico
I sent you an email to your yahoo address. The Support group meeting is 1st and 3rd Wednesday's at 7:00 pm at the UNMH cantina (chow hall), 2nd floor...awesome group of people. If you can call me tonight, I have a bunch of questions for you...My home number is in the email.
Topic: RE: Goodmorning New Mexico
There's a meeting in RR? Do tell, please!
I'm slowing getting all my tests done--found some of the harder tests and so on........
Good luck on your Wednesday trip

Topic: RE: Goodmorning New Mexico
I will not be at the meeting this week, I will be in Lubbock TX....tell everyone I said hi...
Topic: Awesome LA Event Coming up! Register Now!
Friday Night Live Band Costume Party!
Event: "You're the Star!" Costume Ball. Dress like your favorite star or Halloween character.
Time: 6:00 PM - Until. Live entertainment, 80's style band. Reception-style foods will be provided.
October 29 - 31, 2004 ObesityHelp is sponsoring its second national event of this year. The event will be held at Universal Studios at the beautiful Hilton Hotel.
Universal Studios, Hollywood, California
Universal Studios Hilton
555 Universal Hollywood Drive
Universal City, Ca. 91608
To get more information about the event and or to register click the link below.
Topic: Goodmorning New Mexico
Hi everyone, Just wanted to say hello and let everyone know that I am wll and doing fine. I have not been writing much as I go everyweekend to take care of my mother. She is not doing well and needs 24 care. I hope to see everyone at the meeting.