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Topic: Have date, need approval!
Looks like Nov 9th is my lucky day! I sure hope Pres feels the same way!
Topic: Another Denial
Get a hold of Gary Viscio as soon as possible, he may be able to help you. Tell him that Richard from New Mexico sent you...he is a lawyer, he has had Gastric Bypass surgery, and also has good are some
Topic: RE: pre WLS diet failure
I am pre-op but I think that is a fear we all have, I certainly have read this same fear many times on the main messge board. I think it is important to acknowledge the fear, and if need be get some counseling to get though the rough times. I know it is a fear I think about quite often as I have failed so many times in the past. Best wishes and follow your doctors instructions - you should be fine.
Topic: RE: Prayers Needed
Just read this tonight and by now your brother should be out of the test and if he got a stent placed may be on his way to his home. I hope all went well. I will add him to my prayer list tonight just for good measure. VC
Topic: pre WLS diet failure
do people who fail on diets succeed after WLS? i'm afraid i'm going to blow out my new pouch
Topic: RE: Are You Waiting to Have Surgery?
i'm sick of waiting for these NM hospitals i'm going to Lubbock! i talked with my case manager from my insurance and it's more likely to happen going there it's further away
but what can i do?

Topic: RE: My Baby Micah
AWWWWWWWW, how precious, i'll bet she gives you even more determination to succeed and get healthy
Topic: RE: Prayers Needed
My prayers are with you and yours. I had a stint put in 4 yrs ago and you see me now.
Topic: Prayers Needed
My brother is going to the hospital tomorrow morning. He had a
stress test and a test where they use die and found some blockage to
his heart. He will be put under tomorrow and they will use a small
camera to check and if they have to, they will put a stint in.
Topic: Dr. Fengs Chat to begin in about 10 mins
Please join us for Dr. Fengs chat at 8pm pst.
Larry Irvin
Member Services Manager