Recent Posts
Topic: Just an update....
For those who're interested... I'm still waiting for the appointment with Dr. Wolfe... it's 10/22... I missed the first appointment, last month because my IUD was poking through my cervix... so they had to remove it immediatly, and I missed the appt. with Dr. Wolfe, so it's rescheduled, and it's tomorrow... I'll come back after it, and let everyone know how it goes...
- I'll Be Beautiful Someday

Topic: Debbie B.
I just wanted to let everyone know that Debbie B is back in the hospital. She has had a tough time the last few weeks with keeping food down, vomiting,
They finally admitted her into our local may be a flu-type bug......hopefully NOT a complication of her by-pass
Please keep her in prayer, and maybe e-mail some encouragement.....
Thank you all,
Topic: National Convention - NEXT WEEK
I hope you have made your reservations made for the best convention in town. We are getting more things ready as we speak. There are so many different classes being offered it will make your head spin.
Get out your funniest clothes and dress up for the big ball of Friday night. Then get ready for Saturday and Sunday with many speakers and friends.
You can come for all of it or just parts of it -
Register on line -
Friday - October 29
1:00 PM to 5:00 PM - Chapter Leader (support group) Training
3:00 PM Registration opens
6:00 PM Vendors Forum Open
7:00 PM The Ball Startrs -
Come and hear our live band "Planet 80's"
Saturday - October 30
8:30 - Vendors Forum Open
9:00 - General Sessions - be on time for your tickets
9:40 to 12:00 PM - classes - you get to pick the classes you want to go to - From Bariatric issues to plastics...
Lunch will be served -
1:00 to 4:30 - More classes to pick from -
5:00 Pm you are on your own for to visit City Walk or party into the night with your firends...
Sunday - October 31
8:30 AM - Vendor Forum Open
9:00 AM - General Session - Start Be on time for the special drawing
9:30 to 11:00 AM - Special Speakers
11:00 AM - Performance by special group
11:30 AM to 12:30 PM - Lunch
12:30 to 1:40 PM An afternoon full of speakers and discussion groups
1:40 to 2:00 PM - Closing and drawings
The entire weekend is only $75
Friday only $25
Saturday only $30
Sunday only $30
Hope you can come and enjoy the fun and learning.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me at 866 957-4636 x 385.
See you soon,
Monica Ganz, Ph.D.
Topic: Join us for Dr. Babineaus chat in 5 mins 5 pst/ 8 est Thanks.
Ask the surgeon, simply go to the link at the top of the mb and click the link to Dr. Babnieaus surgeon chat free starting in just a moment. Thanks and have a great evening.
Larry Irvin
Member Services Manager
Linda S.
on 10/19/04 1:56 am - Albuquerque, NM
on 10/19/04 1:56 am - Albuquerque, NM
Topic: RE: OT-Moving back to NM
Hi, I live on the west mesa of ABQ. There are some really good schools in ABQ, some are private (ABQ Academy, Sandia Prep, Bosque School), Cibola High School, St. Pius, Rio Rancho (westside). I do not know about Middle Schools, but the best elementary schools are Sierra Vista and Petroglyph on the westside. Hope this helps.
Topic: RE: Good morning
Richard, I will get you some B-12 when I go again. Be sure and take a lot of toys ,games, DVDs and snacks. That will keep the kids entertained and remember no lifting the children, you may feel up to it but your body inside is not ready.
Topic: RE: Good morning
Hey Martina, we are actually leaving on Wednesday the 20th...I wanted to find out if you can get me some of that B-12 you purchased out of state if you go back again. Let me know and I will pay you for it. God bless you... Also, the whole family is going...we have a fully furnished apartment in Lubbock TX...only 33.00 a night and no has a refrig, stove, oven, one bedroom...hopefully it won't be to stressful with all the children...take care.
Topic: Good morning
Richard, I read your profile. How wonderful. Pleaase keep us posted. Call if you need anything. And let your wife know she can call me even if its just to talk. I see by your post you are leaving on the 19th. May God be with you.
Topic: Triplets for the 15th!
The Birthday Patrol is here to honor our very own:

Cindy Corey of Albuquerque, NM 

Kay³ of Mableton, GA 

Patricia Craft of Baton Rouge, LA 

God bless you and may all your wishes come true!!
If you would like to join the BIRTHDAY ROLL CALL and haven't left your birth month and day on earlier posts, GO FOR IT by posting below!! (PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE YOUR YEAR OF BIRTH FOR YOUR OWN SECURITY REASONS!!)
Melissa & All Your AMOS Pals

Topic: RE: EKG, Stress/Nuclear test, Now Angiogram
I forgot to tell you that when the Cardiologist found my heart problems he was the one that recommended the Gastric bypass in order to help me get better this could be your co morbidity. It had never even crossed my mind to have the surgery until I got sick from my heart. I am praying for you Richard. Keep us posted.