Recent Posts
Topic: Share Your Favorite Recipes with ObesityHelp
Do you have a favorite post -op recipe? Did you have a favorite recipe that got you through the first few days after surgery? Would you like to share these recipes with your fellow ObesityHelp members? We are collecting healthy recipes that may possibly be featured in an upcoming issue of one of our ObesityHelp Inc. publications. If you are interested in sharing with your friends, please email the name of the recipe, ingredients and cooking instructions, along with your name and indicate if you are pre or post-op to: [email protected].
Topic: Flyer for L.A. Convention
I have a new flyer for the convention this weekend. It is in PDF format from Adobe Acrobat and if you want to email me I will send it back to you as an attachment.
I tried to put it here with this post but it wouldn't let me. Anyway, my wife, Michelle, and I are really looking forward to seeing so many of you as possible so we can actually put a face to the names of the people we have been conversing with on this great site.
You can email me at [email protected] but the reply will come from my AOL address. Please spread the word so we can as many people there as possible.
Mark Luethold
Member Services
AOL IM screen name: hadleydriver
Yahoo Messenger name: hadleydriver
My email address is;
[email protected]
My page link on
My wife's profile link:
Here is a link for our website's magazine too:
Topic: RE: Well wishes for Richard L.
I am definately a computer you all is 6:30 pm Texas time...little more than 12 hours before my surgery....take care everyone
Topic: RE: Well wishes for Richard L.
Prayers added to Richard's page
He has fought so long and hard for this, I pray for everything to go smoothly....Thanks for reminding us about the surgery page
Donna E.

Topic: RE: Lubbock TX
Hi Richard!
Good luck to you and God bless & be with you, your surgeon & his team and with your family!!! Prayers going up for an uneventful & safe surgery and speedy recovery!
God bless
Donna E.

Topic: RE: Debbie B.
Hi Beckey, I don't have an e-mail address for Debbie B. so please tell her that I am thinking about her and hoping she feels better soon!
Cee Cee

Topic: Well wishes for Richard L.
Hi all! Please go to Richard's profile and sign his surgery support page!
He is having surgery on Monday!
Richard's profile is under New Mexico, under Richard L. Sorry, I don't know how to add it to this message so you could just click on it.
Cee Cee

Topic: RE: Lubbock TX
Hi Richard, I am so happy for you that you are finally getting to have your surgery. I know how hard it was to have to wait. I am praying for you to have a safe and uneventful surgery and recovery!

Topic: RE: Just an update....
Well the psych eval went good, and she said that she'll recommend the only way I would be a good surgery candidate (mentally) is if I have a therapist to talk with prior and after, just kind of as a support person. So, with that taken care of, I'm going to find a therapist on Monday.