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Topic: RE: Albuquerque Support group @ UNMH
I am moving to Albuquerque next month. I had RNY on March 26, 2004 at Duke University Hospital in North Carolina. They have a fabulous support system and I am very active in it. I will be participating in the training as well (just got my notebook in the mail today). I look forward to attending your group and will most certainly want to participate and help any way possible. Please feel free to email me at [email protected] so that we might chat more extensively.
Traci Page
Topic: RE: Albuquerque Support group @ UNMH
Sounds good Richard, I'll try to make some of them, but I usually work evenings 5/6 p.m.-11/12 a.m. hopefully some of the day's I'll have off.
Topic: RE: Albuquerque Support group @ UNMH
That sounds great Richard, if you could give another reminder and more details about location closer to the next meeting, I would like to attend

Topic: RE: Hello New Mexico
Sorry I didn't get back to you in time. We had a good meeting. One of the pre ops had her mom and a friend with her. Diane, Yvonne, and a New post oo that went to the Wish center in Phoenix was there. We had an open session which went well.
Topic: RE: Freshly Banded
I'm glad all is good, I called the hospital but I called too late and they said you have been released already...God Bless you on your new journey.
Topic: Albuquerque Support group @ UNMH
Hello everyone, I have been asked to lead the meetings for a while. Anyone who would like to help please let me know. Obesity help dot com is starting a new program to sponsor chapters through out the United States. I have signed up to be a chapter leader and from what it sounds like, OH will be able to sponsor our meetings and also provide us information and basically show our support group on their website and refer people to our group. I can see our support group growing to a big size again. We really need a variety of people at our meeting ie Post-ops, Pre-Ops, and especially those that are a couple years out. Once I find out more info, I will update you. I also wanted to let you all know that Dr Frezza from Lubbock TX would like to visit with us during one of our meetings, don't know the exact date yet. Meetings are 1st and 3rd Wednesdays @ 7PM.
Richard Loe
Cell 505-319-9485
Answering Service 866-862-3355
rloe @ katewwdb . com (no spaces)
Topic: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Do you have a sedentary youngster, or were you a sedentary youngster, who suffers from the disabling condition of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)? There is not that much known about this syndrome, other than children who have a higher level of exercise are at lower risk. Sufferers, more often women than men, are often too tired to do normal activities and feel exhausted.
If you have been diagnosed with this syndrome, or know someone who has been diagnosed, we would like to talk to you for an article in ObesityHelp Magazine. Please send an email to [email protected] and include your name, age, when you were diagnosed, what you are doing to treat the syndrome and your phone number or email address so I may contact you for further questions.
Ronda Einbinder
ObesityHelp Magazine
Assistant Editor/Public Relations :type:
Topic: RE: Hello New Mexico
I want to go but I'm in RR and I'm still pretty tired from just getting back, I sure would like to go next time for sure and also try the group for Dr Wolffe I think it is? I'll have to ask Richard again.
Topic: Freshly Banded
Hey all,
The journey that started with a visit to a new pcp on August 23rd, 2004 has come to fruition! I was successfully banded this Monday, the 15th. Went home the next evening (actually got home @ 6 this morning, we had to stop on the 6 hr drive and sleep)
I'm sipping juice and broth out of a 1 oz cup--2 to 3 cups in about a 10 minutes span I'd say. Haven't tried jello yet, but I have plenty of time, my surgeon puts you on a two week clear lquids before you go to pureed. I had the procedure at Texas Tech (UMC) in Lubbock Texas and my surgeon is Dr Frezza, I spend my entire time in SICU.
Whew! Now that I'm on the other side so to speak I don't know what to say...THANK YOU to everyone who sent me encouraging messages, there were so many of them I was overwhelmed.
I feel good, I took a week off of work and I'm just sore. No pain meds needed so far (I did have them give me a little toridol in my IV last thing before release for the bumply ride home) so......any advice????
AnnMarie (this post was also posted on the lapband forum)