What is wrong in NM??????
OK, I went to PCP to talk to he about WLS. She said she would give me a refferal to a surgeon, I just needed to make sure that he was in my network. SHe said that all I need to qualify for WLS is to be 100lbs overweight, she acted like it was no big deal to get the insurance to cover it. I asked her if she has had patients of hers that went to have WLS, she said yes.
(I have BC/BS NM) Called them, as usual the gave me vague answers to my questions. I asked them about Dr.s in thier network the rep said that BCBS-NM only covers DR's in state. SOOOO... I did research on OH and found Dr. demarest, Fry and Terry, I called thier office and asked about WLS, well, the woman I spoke to said that no one does surgery in NM because IF you end up living through it you will have compilications the rest of your life. So, why is it that Medicare is considering covering it then, if everyone who gets it dies or is damaged forever? I am so frusturated!!
I am sick and tired of the media telling me that I will die because I am fat, and the only hope that I might have is wrong to want also. Help what do I do?