OT: Looking to relocate to R Rancho
Good Morning All!
We are s-o-o-o very fed up with hurricanes
that we are looking to relocate to Rio Rancho. Can anyone please send me information
on major newspapers, communities of private homes, etc. and most importantly WLS surgeons and their support groups. I am 3 ½ months out and will need follow up visits.
Please e-mail me or post. The decision is yours. All info appreciated
~Rebel Lady~ TOTAL LOSS 85 lbs GONE FOREVER AND 39 1/4 total inches WOO HOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
starting 310
date of surgery 290
present 225
dr. goal 190
my goal 160 ???

Dear Rebal Lady-
Sorry about the hurricanes, but the ABQ area will be happy to welcome you and you won't have to worry about rain much!
Also, congrat's on your weight loss success! There is a local WLS support group that is a grass roots effort as there are not any WLS surgeons in ABQ area. Most people (based on insurance) go to Scottsdale to Dr Blackstone, or Luddock, Tx to Dr Freeza, and there is a handful of us that have gone to El Paso, Denver, and other places. Here's the link to the local support group: [email protected] We meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday's of the month from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. and we can get you direction when you get ready to move, etc. There is also a Psychologist (Dr. Wolfe) who does a group one time per month in her office.
The major newspaper is ABQ Journal (link: www.abqjournal.com). I live in NE ABQ and don't know the names of the housing communities on the west side (west of Rio Grande) and Rio Rancho. All I do know is that it is growing like crazy! Rio Rancho probably has a city or chamber of commerce site on the web. We do have members from our group who live on that side of town so if you go to the local support group site (above) and post, I am sure you will get some more responses. Not many people check this main board very often, I usually check once on the weekend.
Well, I hope this info helps and please feel free to e-mail me direct if I can assist in any other way.
[email protected]
Surgery 8/1/05
pre-op 400#
SW 375#
CW 317#
GW 170#
Thanks for the info Valerie. I can't believe it that the Rio Rancho chamber of commerce wants to charge me $25 for a relocation packet. I have never paid for a relocation packet. I moved to Fla from NY and contacted over 15 counties and cities. Could you imagine if I had to pay for it!
Have a great Thanksgiving!!!!! ~Rebel Lady~
TOTAL LOSS 85 lbs GONE FOREVER AND 39 1/4 total inches WOO HOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
starting 310
BMI 50 Super Morbid Obesity
date of surgery 290
BMI 48.6 Extremely Obese
present 225
BMI 36.3 Obese
dr. goal 190
my goal 160 ???
BMI 25.8 moderately overweight
Dear Rebel Lady,
Hope this note isn't too late for you. I live in Rio Rancho. We actually have a local newspaper. It is called THE OBSERVER. I think you can find it online. I also have a realtor you might be interested in, he just found me a new home as I just sold mine. There are lots of nice homes here in Rio Rancho and not a single hurricane!! My realtor is John Ayoub you can email him at [email protected]. I am six months post op and have lost 86 lbs and a total of 54 inches!!! We don't have a support group in Rio Rancho but perhaps we could start one up!! We don't have baratric surgeons in New Mexico either. I went to Scottsdale AZ to the Barix Clinic, had a great experience and so far all is good with me.
Hope you enjoy living in the enchanted desert!!