What companies offer help???
Hello everyone...
I am wondering if anyone knows which companies offer insurance that is compatible with WLS... I am desperate to get this procedure completed and my insurance has done nothing but fight me...I am willing to seek other employment just to get insurance that covers gastric bypass surgery... If anyone can help, please do.
What insurance do you presently have? What have they said? I think that ALL of them want to DENY right away, probably to make sure that you really want and need to have the surgery. With a denial, you DO have anappeal processs, so don't get discouraged. If there is an exclusion, make sure to look at the language. Obesity and Morbid Obesity are NOT The same.
I was denied and after my first appeal and some letters from my doctors and a very detailed letter from me listing my co-morbidities and medications I was approved and got my surgery very shortly after. I am now ONE year post op and feeling better than I have in years.
Best of Luck to you.
I have the Lovelace Health Plan, as an employee of lovelace... they stoped coverage of this proceedure beginning of the year. They will only let me go to one surgeon (maybe) , in Texas. However as a benifit that is not in my plan, I doubt it is going to be a fight I can win. I will keep fighting, because I want to have children with my wife, I want to live a good healthy life with her, I want this as much for her as for me...
I appealed and they said NO... but gave me hope in that I need to gather more information and agree to the one doctor they cover... I am not as excited about that because that surgeon told me I was a canadate for the lap-band only. I respect his decision, but want a second opinion...
I had zero problems with Pres, I work for the state of NM and its not excluded. What you should stay aware of is that companies can have the same name of insurance but have different plans--so Aetna at one place may allow WLS but not at company B. I've not heard of Pres having any exclusions from the people I know that have it....
I also think that Medicaid will cover it
Good luck!
I dont have it any more and cant remember what I wrote, do you have it in your deleted items folder? I may have responded and said to join the ABQNBB yahoo group....you can find the link in my profile...if you ask this same question, you will get a lot of information...we have people in that support group with the same insurance as yours. we meet every 1st and 3rd wednesday of the month at 5901 Harper road ne..in the presbyterian medical group building.