Any surgeons in Albuquerque?
go to my profile and look of the Albq weight loss surgery support group....or she can email me...
You have one of the most wonderful surgeons in the nation in Albuquerque, his name is Dr. Matt Bosquez, he has recently relocated from Oklahoma. He did my surgery almost two years ago, and he is awesome. You can check him out through this web site.
He dots every i and crosses every t, he does every thing humanly possible to see to it that his patients have a safe surgery.
Good Luck,
I really don't know.
The information that I found regarding Dr. B was through the American Society for Baratric Surgery. He is a member and it lists his phone number.
He has probably only been in New Mexico for a few months. He didn't close his practice here until Dec. 31. I heard through the grapevine that he was in Albuquerque, checked the ASBS web site and sure enough he is.