SO close but soo far... can anyone throw me a bone here???
Well although Tri-care has approved my surgery, now the Dr. office called me only a day from the appt to say the Dr. feels I may or may not be a candidate for the surgery despite the approval. My BMi is 37.5 but I have borderline diabetes, had gall bladder etc... and they now want to do a sleep apnea study. I guess from what I gather I was 7 out of 10 questions which may have an indication to this problem... which would then qualify me. She did say "if you were only 40 BMi then you would have no questions for being a candidate for surgery, but since Im being held against the NIH standards I need something "Lifethreatening"..
Has anyone out there got this last minute stuff??? And how did it turn out? OR can you see another Dr. for surgery with your approval... or am I facing the same stuff with another Dr.
Figured I throw this one out there to you guys... help.
now im very worried..... darn so close yet sooo far away.
Ugh! I'm sorry this is happening to you! How frustrating. The only thing I could say is go ahead and jump through the hoops--My Dr in Lubbock requires a sleep study from the get help in going to him at this stage and I'm not aware of any other surgeons.
Please keep us update and good luck!
Thats part of the hold up for me. I have a BMI of 37.5, but have borderline diabetes and gallbladder. But now Im being sent for a Sleep Apnea test since my scoring was high.
Has any gotten the surgery with less than 40? And only one co-morbidity? Funny Triwest already Ok'd me... but the surgeon is the one who wants the NIH standard. Is this normal for a doctor to do this after your approved???