Anyone from Santa Fe?
My hubby is on the verge of accepting a promotion, and with that, a move to Santa Fe from Phoenix, AZ. I know absolutely nothing about your state and was wondering if anyone could give me some information.
Just basic stuff like, what kinds of things are there to do there, how is the real estate market? What are the schools like? The weather? Any help would be appreciated!
Kim R/az
Hi Kim;
I am the opposite. I am from NM and moved to AZ.
Santa Fe is a smaller town then Phoenix. They are known for there market places and art. Santa Fe is about 50+ miles North of Albuquerque. They do have snow in the winter and med hot summers. Shortage of water seems to haunt them also.
There are many good schools and the real estate market it very high. It is considered a tourism town so the prices reflect that. They do have some nice SW style homes. They do have most comforts of a big city.
Good luck with your future move.
Hi Kim:
I lived there for quite some time and recently moved to Las Cruces last year leaving a good paying job to be with my husbands family.
Santa Fe is a very nice but tight in space place. The median house price has now $362,000. which is a far cry from when we owned one just a few years ago (median then was $250,000). The yards are never really big enough - or at least I thought so. Depending on the neighborhood you may be part of a subdivision neighborhood association. These associations can be quite tasking if you have the wrong place to live with. Some dictate the color you can paint the house, whether or not you can remodel and if it fit the Santa Fe motiff. So thats just a little bit of the Santa Fe way. Oh - and in most neighborhoods with good houses you can not park on the lawn... big NO NO. lol
The schools, well some are good others are not so good. Becareful with the area you move into... some are zoned for schools which have the unfortunate rep of being with unruly juvies. If you want to pay for schooling, then there is St. Michaels (catholic) Santa Fe Prep these two have a great reputation for high quality as well as high prices. So be prepared to do your homework prior to getting your kids in any of these High Schools. They required an interview along with I think some type of test. Not too sure... but you can call and find out.
There is some nice housing that was going up near the Santa Fe Community College area which had reasonable housing a few years ago... but like i said I have been out of the loop for a few.
Good Luck.. I hope that helps.
Dear Kim, Hello from New Mexico. I hope someone posted a reply to you. We have a beautiful state. Santa Fe is especially nice. Strange in a strange sort of way. The people seem real wholesome. Nothing like Texas where everyone dresses up and wears lbs. of makeup. The real estate there is VERY, VERY expensive and the cost of living is high. They get lots of snow in the winter and have a snow ski area right above the city. I live in Albuquerque, about an hour away, so can't help you with info about the schools. We have an active support group here in Albuquerque that meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays 6:30-8pm. No bariatric surgeons in the area sadly. Everyone goes to Phoenix, Lubbock or El Paso TX. Hope this helps. Heidi