I'm sorry that no one has given you any answers here, and I'm not going to be able to either. Try calling Salud Customer Service. They should be able to help you.
Also, look at our website on Yahoo. It's ABQNBB - Albuquerque New Body Beginnings. You'll find it under Yahoo Groups.
We meet on the first and third Wednesdays at the Presbyterian Northside Medical Group Building. The info is posted on our website.
Good luck, and hope to see you soon,
I also have Salud, this is what I was told by them. WLS is not an exclusion from the healthplan so that means they will pay for it. They look at each case and approve case by case. My primary told me that she had another patient that kept getting denied over and over, but the patient didn't give up and kept at it and they finally approved it. I'm just started the process, I have to find a surgeon then have my doctor request the surgery then (I'm sure) go through all the red tape with Pres, but I'm not giving up, neither should you. Please let me know if you hear anymore about this, if you find a surgeon or if you have Pres and have success with them, I'd appreciate it.