Back from Surgery
Hi All,
Just thought I'd post and let you know that I was back from surgery and feeling pretty good. I saw the doctor on the 18th and had lost 15 pounds in the first week. I must say that was a big relief for the mental issue I was having with the small amount of food I'm eating. I know the small amount is plenty to make my stomach full but my head was really struggling with that being okay. I think I'm doing better with it now though. I hope everyone is doing okay.
Andrea Lewis

Congrats Andrea! I hope that that "head" thing will improve. I have a feeling that will be something that I will struggle with also when my surgery is done. My sister-in-law went through the same thing. She is lucky in that she has a support group that is lead by the psychologist that works with the bariatric surgeon in her area and it has been very good for her. Of course, just the support from others who have gone through or are going through the same thing helps too I think. Good Luck!
Robbie Fetters