Clovite calling out!!!
Not all open procedures are 10 inches. My open RNY is only 4 inches.
Here is my surgeons web page if you want information on the 'minimal incision' approach.
I am not trying to influence you on who you see, but help with your research as I remember when I was searching and researching it is so difficult to sort out all the information, and some misinformation.
Good Luck to you.
The hospital has a support group that meets once a month. if you wast i can email you the dates when they become available. this is my email address [email protected] mleas email me with yours.....
I just got apporved after first appeal. for the RNY. dr. is Frezza
I am being refered to Dr. Frezza ( is it freeza or freza for pronunciation??) I called Dr. Haynes's office this morning and they told me I am happy I have read so many good things about him. I got his health grades report, and they suck!!! but you guys really filled the void for information. My email is [email protected]. Please feel free to email me any and all information.