Albuquerque Support group @ UNMH
Hello everyone, I have been asked to lead the meetings for a while. Anyone who would like to help please let me know. Obesity help dot com is starting a new program to sponsor chapters through out the United States. I have signed up to be a chapter leader and from what it sounds like, OH will be able to sponsor our meetings and also provide us information and basically show our support group on their website and refer people to our group. I can see our support group growing to a big size again. We really need a variety of people at our meeting ie Post-ops, Pre-Ops, and especially those that are a couple years out. Once I find out more info, I will update you. I also wanted to let you all know that Dr Frezza from Lubbock TX would like to visit with us during one of our meetings, don't know the exact date yet. Meetings are 1st and 3rd Wednesdays @ 7PM.
Richard Loe
Cell 505-319-9485
Answering Service 866-862-3355
rloe @ katewwdb . com (no spaces)
I am moving to Albuquerque next month. I had RNY on March 26, 2004 at Duke University Hospital in North Carolina. They have a fabulous support system and I am very active in it. I will be participating in the training as well (just got my notebook in the mail today). I look forward to attending your group and will most certainly want to participate and help any way possible. Please feel free to email me at [email protected] so that we might chat more extensively.
Traci Page
Yes, park on the south side on the 3rd floor then walk across the ramp above lomas and go to the elevators or stairs and go to the 2nd floor catina. Go to the far back. I will be in Lubbock that date for my follow up appointment so hopefully I will see you on 3rd Wednesday. Our website is