UNMH not going to do any more bypass surgeries
Hey everyone,
Just wanted to let you all know that I got a call from Nietz today cancelling my appointment with Dr. Fry in November. She told me that the UNM Hospital administration has decided that the hospital will not be doing any more bypass surgeries
. So, anyone that was hoping for Dr. Fry's return don't bother. Well, I guess I'm back to the beginning of the entire process all over again. I am so frustrated right now I can't stand it. Sorry for the grumpy post but I had to vent

I'm sorry to hear that you are having such difficulties. I had read in the El Paso times that UNM was going to stop doing the surgeries a couple of months ago. My husband made sure I saw that because he was trying to scare me out of having the surgery done. He was emphasizing the death rate of the procedure.
It didn't faze me.
I'm still going to get it done.
Hopefully you're only halfway out the door. Let's hope your insurance company will allow you to go to a different area or provider. Until I found out that the military would actually do the surgery themselves, I was trying to get the doctor to clear me to go to Barix Centers in Phoenix,AZ for the procedure and have Tricare pay for it. Maybe That's all you'll have to do. I'll keep praying for you and others who are struggling with the insurance/hospital nightmare.

Hi Maria! I had surgery in July in Phoenix. TriCare paid for everything except my travel. At the time I was told they wouldn't reimburse travel because the procedure was offerred here, although the waiting list was over 2 years. You might talk to them about reimbursing you now that UNMH has shut down their program. I found a really good doctor in Phoenix, his name is Dr. Zahn. The hospital where I had my procedure done is St. Luke's, one of their specialities is Bariatric surgery. If you need any other information about any of it feel free to ask.
-56 lbs. since 7/13