Hello all. I am thinking of starting a support group in Ruidoso and would like to invite anyone interested in coming. It won't matter if you've already had surgery or just contemplating it. I'm working for the first Saturday of the month but won't make September or October. Maybe October we'll do the 2nd or 3rd Saturday. I'm going to my final meeting on September 11th. Just found out my surgeon is moving to Dallas so I won't even have an every 3 month meeting so I thought if there was enough interest in the Ruidoso area we would just meet here. Let me know if anyone is interested!
We need some local support!!!!
Tina M R
Open RNY 04/09/04
Hi Tina
How are you doing? I just found out myself about Dr. Hall and all I could do was sit here and cry.
Now I guess I'm going to have to go thru all that mess again with finding another doc, getting my files and such. I was soooooo hoping I would have him for my surgeon, but I guess things were getting too much for him, maybe? I wish him the best of luck and best of luck to all of his former patients too..... Just keep on doing what you're doing.....Looks like you're doing great!
Good luck on your support group!
Take care & God Bless
Donna E. :juggle