Joining In
Hi Everyone! I have joined the rest of you in a search for a doc and trying to get the insurance to pay. Too bad we have to go through so much but happy there are kindred souls out there.
Pres referred me to Dr. Frezza who does not seems to want to do much for me...Lap Band. I am diabetic & hoping for RNY to cure the diabetes. I have asked for a doc to give me a 2nd opinion & Pres has said my PCP must write to request it. So the process begins.
I just found Dr. Igwe's phone number on a posting several months ago. Thank you Richard for direction. Bless you. I will try to get to the next WLS meeting. There's one tomorrow? Love to meet some of my kindred souls. Linda M.

Welcome to the group!
There are several of us Pres members waiting to find out if Pres is going to accept the Scottsdale Bariatric Center, Dr. Robin Blackstone, on to the Pres network. Her program is fantastic, and worth waiting for.
The support group meeting is tomorrow night. Listen when we introduce our selves, and you'll quickly find out who the "Blackstone holdouts" are.
See you there.
Mema Jeanie
I'm one of the Pres Hold outs/fighters. Right now I am at the step where I need to go to OPM, which is like going to your HR office. At the same time, my lawyer wrote a letter to the NM state medical board....I have 30 days before I hear something...I should hear at latest something in a couple of weeks.