Back from my consulation
Hi ya'll,,
Well, it was a loooooooong day, but My Angel Debbie went with me and made it much more enjoyable........she also kept me from breaking into tears when my eyeballs really wanted to well up and let loose.
Dr. Syn was very thorough, and his staff wonderfully genuine and compassionate.
I met with the dietician (in a group setting), then met with Dr. Syn individually. He asked lots of questions, point blank, and no nonsense. He did an examination, actually hands on, and listened to my heart. I then had an EKG, and a breathing TEST.
The next step is to have all my paperwork sent to the insurance for 'approval'................I was told to be prepared for a denial.......but I'm going to think positive and hope that my medical records will be enough supporting documentation that I will be approved.
My BMI is 46, and I have several co-morbidities.
Well, You all said to let you KNOW,,,,so thats it........we wait.
My DH is being so wonderfully supportive...he said that no matter what the cost, it will be worth it, and he does not want money or insurance to play ANY part in my decisions.
I guess I will know more in 2 weeks.....I will work on "being still and knowing that GOD is in charge"
Thanks for your prayers and concern,,,

Here is a post on Syn