I'm Back
Well, just got back from ALBQ. Took my son to the airport and on my way home saw huge accident on 25. Then as I was driving home, I was so bored to death (because I didnt have anyone to talk to) that I had to finally stop in Santa Rosa to buy me a book on tape. What a life saver. So that is my day, totally wasted on driving for 7 hours that I will never get back
I just hope Nick (my son) has fun in Arizona. Hope everyone had a great weekend and have a great week.
God Bless
Hi Debbie
I'm from Carlsbad and just wanted to let you know how wonderful I think Dr. Syn is. I have had my consultation back in January. I am fighting with my insurance for approval. I really felt Dr. Syn was thorough. His office staff has been great in helping me with insurance troubles. Good Luck tomorrow and let us know how it went.
Any books on tape by Sandra Brown (listening to Words of Silk right now) are awsome. I am listening to Case For Christ right now too (an aethist who is out to prove that Christ is not the son of God), really good book. Yes, I listen to two books at a time. Gives variety. When you drive you wont want to do that though. When ever my son is in the car we listen to VeggieTales tapes that have really fun songs. Then there are the Adventures in Odyssey which are great stories about being a good person to others and to yourself. My whole family loves the Odyssey tapes. Have a safe trip.
God Bless