No more gastric bypass at UNM!!

Lauri P.
on 6/3/04 7:28 am - Albuquerque, NM
I got a horriable call today for the office of Dr. Demerast. I have been on the active waithing list for over 2 years. I just finished all the pre operative requirements. I was waiting to hear back for a surgery date!I got the call today saying that I was nolonger on the "list" and that they did not have any more information as to who at UNM will be continuing gastric bypass surgery!! I am so sad and angry. I have spent a lot of time and money doing all this pre op stuff and now no operation!!! Thanks for letting me vent!! I am so sorry for all the others that are now in the same boat!! Have a nice day I am trying to, Lauri
Richard L.
on 6/3/04 11:45 pm - Albuquerque, NM
You may have to contact Dr Igwe from Las Vegas NM, he is starting a Bariatric program in NM.
Susan R.
on 6/4/04 9:54 am - Albuquerque, NM
UNM had TERRIBLE glad you were not a part of it and look into programs in Texas and California..............where some docs have lots of experience and lots of success. Buck up please!!! You are better off.............believe me.
Richard L.
on 6/4/04 3:40 pm - Albuquerque, NM
Do you have any other info and do you have Nurse Neets number? Hi, I called to find out the status. Dr Demerest has decided not to do any more gastric bypass surgeries. Dr Fry is on a 4 month sabatical. So, until Dr Fry gets back, UNMH does not have anyone to do the surgeries. Those of us that have had surgery will be having our follow-up appointments with Dr Terry and Dr Demerest. Jan Margie Whyman wrote: Richard, Thanks for the heads-up. Does anyone have Neet's phone number so we can confirm or put this rumor to rest. Margie
Lauri P.
on 6/5/04 2:02 pm - Albuquerque, NM
Hello, You can contact Neets at 505-272-3771 I have an appt with Batrix in AZ this Mondy!! They seem very nice!! I will let you all know how it was when I return!! Have a great day, Lauri
Debbie B.
on 6/5/04 12:56 pm - NM
Can you look into Dr. Frezza at Lubbock TX? He is experience with a very good record. His number is 806-743-4666. Good Luck Debbie
Eileen S.
on 6/15/04 10:18 am - Albuquerque, NM
Hey guys, I talked to Dr. Terry last week. She said that since Dr. Fry was on sebatical for 4 months, Dr. Demarest is not doing wls anymore, and they are missing 3 surgeons due to active duty in the military they will not do wls until Dr. Fry's return. They are trying to improve the program at UNM, but currently, they are so short of general surgeons just to perform emergent procedures that they are on hold with wls for a few months. I certainly understand everyone's frustrations. I have a lot of friends who are getting the same cancellation calls. UNM needs a lot of improvement in their wls program and I am hopeful that they will be open to our imput as to what is needed. Take Care, Eileen
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