Well, I waited a year and...
Well, I waited a year and half for my initial consultation with Dr. Fry at University Hospital. The visit went well. I am approved to continue gathering the necessary lab work, tests, and everything else needed to submit to the insurance. I have already had the sleep study done and on June 1 I have my EKG done. I am hoping to get my lab done that day as well. I have read the comments of Ms.Sanchez (Abq journal) and am impressed with her as a writer, but the words she speaks are so true that they brought tears to my eyes. I sit here typing talking to anyone who will listen. I feel all the pain she has felt. I am ready as she was ready. I hope the process goes by quickly and smoothly. I keep trying to imagine myself being prep'd for surgery and that thought frightens me. Dr. Fry is off learning to do the procedure via a lapriscopic (hope speelling is correct). Any words of encouragment are welcomed. I have joined the gym in hopes of being as healthy as I can for my surgery. I have been meeting with a nutritionist and of course, to no avail. I ask all to pray for me as I do all of youl...