Jan, I hope you don't mind me posting this. This is some information coming up.
Just wanted to touch base with every one to tell about the upcoming
meetings. On April 7th we will have Dr Norm Dawson and his wife
Barbara. Dr Norm is a chripractic doctor and he has a certification
in nutritian (thanks Jennifer for having them call me). On 4/21 Dr
Ferraro is scheduled to talk. May 5th we will have a plastic
surgeon, Dr Cudros (thanks Carol B for scheduling him). On May 19th
Judy Weatherford will talk about exercise.
Please put on your thinking caps and help come up with some ideas of
what subjects you would like to have a presented. I'm just helping
coordinate the topics and need all members to feel responsible for
helping in our meetings. If you know someone that would like to
speak to our group, have them call me at 293-6698 and I'll get them
on our schedule. If you would like to present a topic - call me and
we can get you a time slot.
Jan (HouseHunter)
Thank you RIchard, I still have no luck trying to get on the other Albq. site. I thought I set myself up and now I can't remember my sign in or log on. Someday I will master these computers.