Hi, I just rec'd a call from the Dr.'s office to have my first talk with the Dr. The nurse told me me to bring all documentation on all the diets I have tried thru the years and I don't have any.
I started the Atkins Diet and my Doctor told me no because it wasn't good for my stomach.What are you supposed to do,if you don't have all this stuff then your Insurance will deny you and you keep on getting sicker.
My Doctor said the next thing I will get is diabetes,now if they know this and tell the Insurance co. that why on earth do they deny you.
I haven't felt good for 2 years all I want is to fell good again.
Please if someone else has had this problem please tell me what to do before March 9th.
Jacque....first of all get pen and paper. Start writing what you can remember. Such as when I was 24 or 25 I went on a low calorie diet and lost 18 lbs. By the time I was 27 I had gained that back and 10 more.....something like that. If you don't have official documents then make up a journal of what you can remember. I don't know if that will help but it can't hurt. Also, if you have records from your doctor visits that say what your weight is, bp, counseling on your weight (which could be as little as "spoke to patient about eating fewer calories or exercising more") Anything will help. I don't have any specific records either but my insurance company may require me to do 6 months of a Dr. supervised diet. Yea, that will work for about 7 months.....anyway, hope this helps.
Thanks for answering me, I've been on diets all my life and it doesn't work for me.This is my last hope I guess, if I don't get the surgery I'm just going to stay fat. Being overweight has never stopped me from doing anything but I'm getting older and I can tell the difference.Please keep in touch okay. Jacque
What Dr.are you going to. I am 4 weeks post- op, and learned that I needed to make sure all my self tried diets were on my app. plus anything that could add to my having the surgery, joint aches, acid reflux, deppression, sleeping disorders, high blood pressure, if you have complained about it write it down, be sure to include your family history also. I live here in Farmington and went to Denver. Where Dr. M Snyder preformed my surgery. He is a class A Dr. top of the line. keep in touch we are trying to form a support group.
Brenda, Farmington
Well in last 2 yrs I have fallen apart, I've been on every diet in the world and failed at all of them. I do not have records and I'm sure weigh****chers and The Diet Center did not keep them.I've tried everything.I started The Atkins Diet and the Dr. said no. I have severe sleep apnea, enlarged liver,acid reflux, My legs and back hurt constantly.I go for a colonops, you know what I mean March 4 and see Dr. Fry in Albuq. March 9th and I'm so afraid they are going to turn me down because I have no records on weight loss.My Dr is Dr Fry. Please keep in touch I need all the Help and incouragement I can get . Thanks for Listening Jacque
Do not feel that what you have done is not enough because it will be. Not all of us go to our Dr. everytime we go on diet. My girlfriend went without Dr. approved diets and she did not have to many problems. Her biggest problem was her phychiatric evaulation. Dr. Fry would not work on her without it. So she had to go one day a week for six weeks. To her that was the hardest thing to do. I did everything the Doc's wanted me to do. I started off with Dr. Fry in April of 2003. I called to to three times to follow up with my request, so did my Dr. we never heard from them but they sure sent us packages. My Dr. and I started to proceeded to getting ready, he is the one that told me my at home diets should be okay. We did all the required proceedures. After waiting over five months of not hearing anything my Dr had another patient that had her surgery in Denver. this was in September by Nov. 7th I had my first appointment, My new Dr. did require a plumnary test. did that and all my home diets worked with him. He is very strict and I passed his evaluation. I know you will do fine with Dr. Fry. Just follow his instructions and remember you are making a life change for a newer & healthier you. There are a few of us out here in the four corners that will be starting a support group soon. If you would like you can e-mail me dierect with your phone # and we can converse over the phone.
Keep up your chin and remember you are not alone. You do have supporters.
Brenda, Farmington
[email protected]