just not hungry
Ok guys, I am into my 3rd month post op, my doctor tells me I am losing to quickly, I am averaging about 5 pds a week. Last week I lost 7pds. My problem is that I just don't want to eat. I love food but lately I look at food and can't seem to sumon up enough will power to eat. I hope this is just a phase, I have been sick with a cold and maybe that is my problem. I am just a little concern, I have decided that if this persist thru the weekend I will call my doctor. I was just curious if anyone else has gone thru this. My surgery date was November 19th and I have lost over 60 pds.
Hi Tiffany!
Hang in there honey! Everyone looses at a different rate. Just make sure you get enough protein in, Did your Dr give you a minimum amount of protein to get in? Are you close to that number. I'm 6 1/2 months out and have gone through a phase where nothing was appealing
. It was a struggle to make sure I got in at least the minimum amount of protein and vitamens. Keep on trying ! You are so worth it!!!!!!! Being sick will make you loose your appetite
. I discovered that the more protein I could get in the better I felt. At 3 1/2 months I was down 62lbs finally about 4 1/2 months my hunger changed, Now I find myself hungery again. When in doubt call your doctor that's what he/she is there for!
Hope you feel better soon!

I went thru the same thing, my Doctor told me that when we have the surgery, a chemical call grellin (spelliing?) that the level is cut down below 100. That chemical is the one that makes you crave things, so that would explian the not hubgry part. Just be sure to eat the protein, if you dont, you will be tired and loose more hair, take it from me...I stopped doing all the things that I was supposed to when we moved ( the chaos and all ) and I am so beat, and I have lost so much of my upper body strength and my hair is falling out... Good luck! Misty