I am pre-op and would like to the answer to these questions,too. Everyone I talk to seems to say that its trial and error and everyone is different. I have two friends that have had this surgery and one of them eats everything and the other can't tolerate the corn in the tamales or the menudo, (unless its well cooked till its almost falling apart). Please let me know how you tolerate the chile. How much have you lost so far?
Hi!!! I am 6 months post op and I can eat mexican food. Hot foods don't bother me, I can eat tamales and chili with out a problem. I tried posole last week but it bothered me. it sat in my pouch for a long time and made me feel yucky so I won't eat it again. It is trial and error. Things I could eat 2 months post Op I can't now. and things I couldn't eat then I enjoy now. Around 5 months there was a big change in what I could eat. Now I can enjoy almost everything just in a small portion. I try everything food wise, Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. Follow your doctors advice and do what they say for the best result!
Best of luck to you!