Good Thrift Store in the AMQ area?
I dont mind atmitting that I am a cheapskate!So, I need to know if anyone can point me in the direction of some good thrift stores in the ABQ area? There have to be some!!!
I love going in there for jeans, since I am still losing and don't stay in the same size for more than a month ( less if I dont plateau for long ) I just donate them back to the store that I got them when they don't fit anymore!
I also love them for projects, since I am a stay at home mom with all the kids in school ( the boy is in 1/2 day here ) that leaves me with time for projects that I have always wanted to do! Last week, I found the perfect flannel sheet set to make a duvet cover for my sons camping theme room! He is going to love it on Christmas morning!
I look at it as a treasure hunt, so many times I go into my favorite store here and just walk thru, in my preassessed pattern to see everything in the best order
and I find so many things for my home that are unique or would be so expensive in a regular store! My best find so far out here, is a $150.00 cuisanart coffee maker that grinds the coffee iteslf, the only thing missing was the carrafe. No biggie, I got one that fits and good as new, not as cool looking as if I had the brushed chrome one that it came with but still, not to bad for $3.00
Anyhow, any leads would be great, a shopping buddy would be even better!!! Misty