Hi all, just wondering what kinds of insurance ou all have? What kind of co pay or whatever will you face when you get your surgery? What kinds of labs and appts do your DRs want before you get done? I went thru Tricare Prime, the military insurance, and I had NO co pay at all to get mine done...When I had my kids I had to pay $25.00 a kid, and that was just for food, I thought it was only fair that I didnt have to pay for food since I only ate one bit of eggs and one of applesauce...anyhow.
As for labs, I had to get an EKG, ultrasound of my gaul bladder (?) and physch, nutrition of course...I know there was more but I cant think of it now...Well, tell me what you go thru, MIsty
If you are a government employee and are able GEHA(Government employees hospital association) Has been wonderful!!! I was able to pick my primary care doc and my wls surgeon. The required a bmi of over 40 and a history of dieting. I started the process in April of last year and had my surgery on July 7th. My total bill hospital/dr/labs etc was over 75,000. my out of pocket so far has been about 500.00. I cannot say enough good about this insurance company. Hope this helps!