Hi Misty,
It is another gorgeous day with lots of sunshine in the low 50's. We had snow last week and it is still on the mountains. This is my favorite time of year! I use real meals chocolate. I mix it with water and split the packet. Each packet is 60 grams of protein. I've read that you can only absorb about 30g at a time so I split it. It has peptides,amino acids,whey protein and a whole slew of lean muscle stimulators. I'm hoping this will help with saggy skin. It costs about 50.00 for a month supply. I haven't found any protein bars that I like, they are either too big, to dense or yucky tasting. How about you?
I also knosh on jerky or nuts when I need a snack.
What vitamens are you taking? I swallowed my first pill the other day.. so far so good. I didn't know if would be able to do that again.
Congratulations on 70 lbs!!!!!!
Wow, don't you feel terrific. You look gorgeous!
I haven't found any public support groups here, just the ones affiliated with the local Dr's and their patients. But to be honest I use this website for my support. Well I need to run and get ready for work! Have a wonderful wintry day!
see ya soon