Surgeons scarce in New Mexico

on 10/21/03 7:04 am - DC
Greetings New Mexico. We're having lovely fall weather, but I'm a bit down today. After thinking and reading about WLS for years, I finally made the decision to make an initial appointment. As it turns out, the only doctors in the entire state who perform bariatric surgery (at UNM Hospital) are no longer taking new patients. They are already scheduled for the next year and a half! A third doctor takes patients provided they have a BMI of 45 or less. 'Fraid I exceed the limit. A few years ago I didn't qualify for an initial consult because I didn't weigh *enough.* I guess my timing is lousy. The sun is out, but I'm sure feeling blue...
Melanie S.
on 11/19/03 7:20 am - Peralta, NM
I also live in Valenica county. You are right the weather is great. I finally got appt with Dr. Fry in ABQ and had my first appt yesterday. I started to pursue this surgery last spring. I just kept calling until I got a appointment. They did say yesterday that since they are in a larger clinic at UNMH they are hoping to get in more patients. They sent me a list of all test needed when I first got on the wait list. My PCP agreed to order them for me so I could have them done by time I saw the surgeon............and reduce the wait time to have the insurance approval done, well some were done over 3 months ago and they will not accept them so I have to waste more time now having them re-done. Next step for me will to wait for Lovelace to approve the surgery. I was told to expect the surgery sometime in January if I get approval. I hope you keep trying to get in, also please let me know how you are doing.
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