And I thought weed was suppose to be fun....
.....oooppppsss, wrong kind of weed! Is anyone else out there being bothered by terrible allergies right now? I have not had allergy problems in a good 25 plus years then, WHAM, I got hit big time! Apparently there is some kind of weed in bloom right now and it is causing problems for loads of New Mexicans. I missed the M&G (yep, I'm pouting about that one) because of these darn allergies and my nose is still glowing bright red from all the sniffing and sneezing... GRRRR!
Ok folks, what is everyone up to this week?
Ok folks, what is everyone up to this week?
Sorry you're feeling crappy. Stupid MSN (our server) is out, so I'm without my regular email for whoever knows how long. If you need to reach me, call. Is there anything I can do to help with the allergies, like some retail therapy??? Just don't ask me to blow your nose...... When you feel better, I know this really great BBQ place, you'll love the sauce. Well, I'm scheduled to do some backyard work, if I don't kill myself. Get better soon! Kelly
Hey, weed is fun!! Yes, and we missed YOU at the M&G... We need to do another... Hope you feel better soon.
BTW: Hi Kelly!
BTW: Hi Kelly!
Yes, my REAL name IS, Guy 

Add me on myspace and facebook: http://www.facebook/guynix

Add me on myspace and facebook: http://www.facebook/guynix
Guy, I missed you folks as well. Damn allergies! I would have made a great poster child for looking like **** cause my eyes were NASTY, not to mention all that damn snot that comes along for the ride! haha! Thank goodness I am MUCH, MUCH better and half way back to normal. Kelly, HUSH! I know you are saying "That woman ain't normal, no way!" haha!
And I agree, let's do it again! I'm game! What's a good date?
And I agree, let's do it again! I'm game! What's a good date?