Hey out there
I recently found out I'm hypoglycemic, has anyone else had to deal with this? I know to eat more protein, more often, but what do any of you do? I'm also looking for advice on how to handle body image and this ever growing flabby skin. I'm trying to up the exercise, but wonder, will the skin take time to shrink, or will what I have just stay this way until surgery? I'm sure genetics and age play a part, but to those of you who've been down this road a while, did you notice if your body was still shrinking even a year or more later? It's been about 9 months since surgery and thank God my hair is starting to come back, so I think I'll stop the Biotin for now.
Hope everyone has a great week. Kelly
We did not go to the Fair (yet) I hate going every year because there usually isn't a change from the previous year and that gets boring, although my husband does want to go to the Rodeo and Terri Clark is preforming this weekend which I know he would like.
I do find that my sugar really drops and eating protein really does help.
Skin....... well I have dropped 67 lbs since last November and I have loose skin under my chin, my inner thighs and my stomach....... I don't think I will ever be able to get that skin to tighten up and it does bug me. I wear shorts to the top of my knees and I have tried doing lots of arm exercises but my bat wings keep a flapping. I can't nor will I ever be able to afford Plastics and to tell the truth I don't think I could go through the pain of having that skin cut a way...... so I can live with it.
As for my hair, I am still on Biotin and my hair is coming back and I will probably stay on it just like all the other vitamins I have to take....... not a biggie taking one more and i like that it has strenghened my nails..
Have a great day!!

Cowgrl53, are you in New Mexico or New Jersey, like it says under your profile? Tried to look into your profile and it says something like you are either keeping it private or don't exist, Huh?????
Terri Clark has a fabulous voice, that would be a good show. I love seeing all the baby animals and art work. Hope we go soon.
We're up in Farmington for a few days, not much planned other than visit with family. We had dinner with my son and daughter-in-law last night, it was great! Jimmy grilled some of the most tender steak and Jennifer fixed veggies on the grill. They're so sweet, they know that I don't do the junk food anymore so they only cook healthy when I'm around. As for tomorrow, it's off to Durango for another Dr's appt (the oncologist appt today went great! My enzyme levels are all back to normal!)
Cowgril, it is so good to see you here! Hope to see you at the M&G on the 20th at Guy's place!
We're going on Tues. the 16th, Dano's birthday. Ya, I'm sure I'll be ok not eating the food, I'll just treat it like "walking down memory lane". I ate a Ka****LC granola bar today and had that loopy feeling, had to take a nap and sleep it off. What a cheap drunk! Kashi bars, who knew???
That Jimmy and Jen are sweet kids, you raised that kid right to take good care of his momma.
I spent the morning at Lowe's looking at tile, etc. Found a vanity, no counter top or bowl for $1400, is that too high???? It has a carved rope trim, I LOVED it.
Well you take care up there and I hope everything is going ok, let me know. Kelly
This week is work-work- and more work...... we are always on the go it seems and it seems like the days just seem to be flying by.
I am 10 months out and I have also noticed that my hair is not falling out as much. I also have been trying this new shampoo that a guy makes here in New Mexico called Pablo's Shampoo and I really don't know if it is that, the biotin, or all the vitamins that I take that has contributed to me not loosing as much hair as I was...... but finally I see a lot of new growth even though it seems to be coming out curlier than what it use to be...... oh well, as long as it keeps growing.
Did you listen to the news this morning? 10,000 less people attending the fair this year? Wow, that is amazing. I also went to the MVD yesterday and a lady in there was saying that she got her new Jeep Liberty stolen from the State Fair....... so B Careful.
Have a great day and God Bless..

Thanks for clarifying, I was thinking you were from NM but now in NJ. Not to worry, I am the type-o error queen!
Concerning the hair loss, I have a ton of hair and so far (knock on wood) I have only noticed a few extra strands fall out. I had some severe health problems a few years ago and my hair thinnned some but never to the point of being noticable to anyone but me. When it grew back in I think it grew back even thicker. I probably eat a little more protein than most because I can't tolerate fruit or veggies too well so I fill up on the protein. I'm sure the extra protein helps with the hair.
Wow, 10,000 less people attending the fair this year?!? That is terrible! And someone stole a vehicle? I may do the park and ride thing just so I know my vehicle is safe! Oh, bless you child, you had to go to MVD yesterday! I think I would rather take a swift poke in the eye with a fork than go to the MVD! Last time I needed to do anything with MVD I made a trip to Bernalillo... no waiting and everyone is nice over there!
Hope you're day is going great!
I need to change my license, as I don't look like it anymore and my weight isn't correctly stated. Sadly, I lied on the original and wrote down a number 50#'s less that what I actually weighed. But now I'll tell the truth. I hate to get into a line and have to pay more money though. Trust me, this is nothing compared to the DMV in California. You used to have to call for an appointment and if you didn't, it could take up to 6-8 hours. You'd have to bring groceries and could read "War and Peace" while waiting.