Group Mtgs in Abq?
I'm new to Abq., I had RNY surgery 02/11/04 in Wyoming - would like to start attending Bariatric group meetings, could someone help me please?
When & where are the meetings? I'm interested in the Post Op groups, but would enjoy meeting with pre-op and post op groups.
I started the journey of investigating Gastric Bypass in 2002, had the surgery in 2004. I went from a size 28 down to a size 6, but have leveled out to a size 10 - perfect weight for my bones and age - I am very satisfied.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Hi Carol,
Welcome to Albuquerque. I hope you like it here (in spite of the Spring wind). There is a support group in Abq called Abq New Body Beginnings. It meets in the building that houses the Presbyterian Urgent Care next to the Northside Medical Building just off the I-25 Frontage Road at San Mateo. They meet the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month from 6:30-8pm. On entering the building, make a left at Urgent Care and go to the elevator. Take the elevator to the first floor, and make a left to the room next to the Cafeteria.
Do you realize that in about 40 years, we'll have millions of old ladies running around with tattoos and pierced navels?
December 20, 2005
271/155/150/135/ -136 (20 lbs under Doc's goal; 15 lbs under mine!)
Surgery/Doc's goal/My goal/Current/Loss
Hi Orpannie,
I like your name, thank you for the information on meetings here in Abq.
I'm new and don't know where I-25 intersects San Mateo - doesn't it run parrell with I-25 North and South? I know of a Kaseman Presbyterian Hospital off of the I-40 & Wyoming Blvd. on Constitution Is that it?
Who runs this meeting, Plastic Surgeons, Bariatric Doctors?
Thanks for y7our help I'm looking forward to meeting you.
Carol in NE Heights
Hi Carol,
Sorry to confuse you. San Mateo runs semi parallel to I-25, but then crosses I-25 (and turns into Osuna) just North of Academy. If you are in the northeast heights, you probably would want to take Academy to San Mateo, turn north, and then turn right on the Pan American northbound access road (just before the freeway onramp). Just past the Nativo Hotel, turn right onto Harper and then left into the lot of the second (I think) group of buildings.
I do not go to the support meetings (I know, I should); however, I do know that it is a good group and very supportive. The group originally started, I believe, with patients from Dr. Freeza's practice, but has expanded to include any pre-ops and post-ops in the area. As there are no WLS doctors in New Mexico, it has become the only support group serving the whole area.
I take that back, there is a group of patients from Dr. Blackstone's practice (Scottsdale, AZ) that meets periodically. I cannot remember the dates, but will let you know when I receive another notice of a meeting.
Hope this is helpful.
Do you realize that in about 40 years, we'll have millions of old ladies running around with tattoos and pierced navels?
December 20, 2005
271/155/150/135/ -136 (20 lbs under Doc's goal; 15 lbs under mine!)
Surgery/Doc's goal/My goal/Current/Loss
Hi Carol,
I attend the support group and find it interesting and helpful. Judy also told me about it and I am very greatful. I am having my surgery on April 2nd (which is the next meeting at 6:30). We would love to have you at the meetings. It varies from one meeting to another on who attends but most of them are post op patients of the RNY so you would fit in perfectly.
I was the only newbie for a while and this past meeting we had 3 people that came to check it out. It is run by others just like us but they have been traveling this road longer like yourself. Their weight loss varies from 25 pounds to 188 pounds. The meetings are the first and third Wed of the month from 6:30 - 8. Hope to see you there.