Las Cruces Moms or Silver City
Sorry this isn't weight loss related but I got a question We are in the process of relocating from Arkansas, I was needing some opinions about the public school systems. I have a child that will be in Sp. Education and I am very worried about the change. What would be the best school zone to live in? Is there any activities to do there? I am going to be a stay at home mom for the first time in 7 years! I am worried about not having any friends as we do not know a soul up there. Daycares? What are they like and the average rate? Any information would be appreciated. Oh, I also noticed when looking for a place to rent THERE IS NO GRASS!!!! Is this for real, I am not trying to be a blonde. Just curious. All the yards had pebbles. Housing is extremely cheap down there for a 4 B 2 Bath. Amazing.
hi there
well, i don't have any kids of my own so i don't know much about the school system.
i do have 2 stepchildren but they're mother takes care of the school thing for them. i live in a very nice area of town and as far as i know the schools in this area are very good (high range area).
i don't know a whole lot about the daycares here either but there are TONS of them. nearly several around every corner.
and yeah, it's tough to find property with grass anywhere in new mexico these days (thanks to the whole water conservation thing) but again, the area i live in has a couple real nice parks that are very kid friendly (one has tons of shade, perfect for mom to sit and relax while kids play).
sorry i don't have much info for you, but don't worry about not finding friends, you will in no time.
take care and hopefully i'll hear back from you