Can things get worse?
For a very brief time, I actually thought that things were starting to go my way. My wife was feeling better and her bleeding had all but stopped. We learned of a local program that helps people get into a home of their own, and they seemed excited to help us. I was doing well in school and had aspirations of finally finding work in a career. My surgery was still a little ways off, and other than struggling to loose weight, I am right on track. What a glorious week that was. I remembered what it was to be happy and full of hope. Then as I should have expected, but didn't, Life kicked me between the legs... again...
It all started with a phone call about 7:00 pm Last Thursday. It was my wife's Doctor and he was worried because her amniotic fluid was low. His concern is that the subchorionic hemorrhage had blocked some nutrient from reaching the baby. My wife is now on limited activity (again), but has also been placed on disability, because the doctor does not want her to work. Next to call was the housing people, who told us we didn't qualify for low income help because we couldn't qualify for $140,000 mortgage. If we could qualify for a mortgage like that we wouldn't need their help!!! My current job ends in a few weeks, and the only interview I have is for a internship making a whopping $7.00 an hour... What will I do with all the money? Then Dr. Blackstone's office calls and tells me my surgery (already rescheduled 3 times) is being rescheduled again! At least it was a short move, from June 8th to June 25th.
So basically, I have to continue to live with my parents (My wife and I had to move in with them last April when I was layed off), have zero career options open at the moment, and after paying insurance premiums, will have little money left to work with. I have not been considered seriously for any "real" jobs due partly to my necessary time off for surgery in a few months, but mostly because of my obese body. I keep telling myself that after the surgery things are going to look up. I will feel better, and be more competitive in the job market. I will be a Healthier Dad to my first child (Due in September) and with a little luck and a lot of work, Life will be better. Am I deluding myself?
Hello, wow a rough year but it has to go up from here on out. You are strong and in a few years you will look back at the year 2007 and say I am glad we came through that year. Life is like a roller coaster and you are right now at the bottom of the hill eyes focused at climbing up that next hill. June will be here before you now it and you will be feeling great after surgery and your life will improve with better health. And how exciting to be a new dad in SEpt. Congradulations. You have sooo much to look forward to. It might be hard living with parents for now but also a blessing because they are there to help you both out. Things will look up. Last year was our bad year so I understand how you are feeling but now things are great so just take it one day at a time, hang in there Kelly
Wow, life is sure crazy sometimes, ain't it? But you know, as hard as it is right now, you KNOW that it will get better in time. without these valleys, how could we appreciate the mountain tops? I know, not what you wanna hear right now but the fact is that we have to go thru this stuff to learn lessons to prevent us from remaking the same mistakes in the future. At least the surgery wasn't put off indefinately, that's a blessing.........and your wife was able to get the disability so that's a blessing. yeah, it sucks living with one's parents but thank God you had them to go to for help. So while I know it's hard right now, it will get better I have learned that when my life gets tough? it's cuz I'm supposed to learn something. I'm kinda thick headed though, takes me years sometimes to learn a lesson......sigh
Carol J
Hey Richard,
I know things are tough and I wont throw any sunshine at you, but consider this. I was one of those steel workers that lost his job when the steel industry collapsed. I hit the street with over 4000 other guys and found there was no work to be had, couldnt even find a job flipping burgers. I moved to Atlanta Dec 26th, leaving my wife and two young sons behind. I got a 6.00 an hour job, lived in my car, washed at the camp grounds and shaved at gas stations so I could send every penny home. I got a better job at AT&T and was laid off 6 months later. Then I found work at Siemens and was again facing a lay off. I sat back and began to think, what could I do to make money? The answer came to me that with my high school education I had nothing to offer an employer that was unique or needed, I had to look at work others were unwilling or unable to do. Something that would put me on the same level as the college boys. I found what I was looking for in waste water treatment. Few people stand in line for the jobs, HS education was sufficient, it was all on the job training, and few college grads were interested in this field. It really paid off for me. I'm not saying that waste water is for you, I am saying think about what you can do that others may not be willing to do. There was no beauty contests where I worked, wages increased with your ability to gain certification, and the field was wide open. Think about what you can do!