I GIVE UP!!!!!!!!
That's right everyone I GIVE UP... I doubt that I am going to have WLS, and am ready to throw in the towel. I got a call today telling me that my Dr. (Dr. Robin Blackstone) has had some issues come up in her personal life that has had a dramatic impact on her schedule. As they put it, they are on a "limited OR schedule, effective immediately". Basically what it means is that my already long wait was extended to an extremely long and unfair wait. I have been bumped from May 3rd to August 29th, a difference of 4 months. Even if I was OK with this, the fun does not end there. I am probably going to have to cancel and re-schedule (meaning a later date), because my wife is due September 14th with our first child. I am not going to miss that, and she does not want to miss my surgery. I considered moving to a different physician, but my insurance does not want to pay twice for things, (which I totally understand). The long and the short of it... I am either waiting a full year to have this done, or not having it done at all... I cannot believe the complete disregard for my health and medical considerations. I have been fighting for so long... almost 5 years (it will be over 6 by the time I am done), and I have nothing to show for my effort... nothing... Insurance companies and doctor offices continue to disappoint me. I am at my wits end!!!
Richard I
PS Please excuse me, as I am still emotionally charged, but I had to vent someway, and this is all I got at the moment.
I must have gotten the call just before yours! I got bumped from April 5 to July 16. I cannot believe this either. I didn't get the story about her "personal issues". If she is sick, for heaven's sake tell us. I would be much happier with the truth than vague innuendos! Hang in there....we will be losers yet!
I am sorry that you got bumped too... I don't know what the issue(s) are, but I too would like to know... It might make it seem less painful if she has some medical condition or something. As it is, I feel like she just got overwelmed and gave up on me... I know it is the emotional reaction to bad news, but I feel totally betrayed. Like no one cares that my co-morbitities worsen each month. When I startred this process with scottsdale, over a year ago, I was able to walk and only suffered occasional bouts of back and ankle issues. Now, I have almost daily pain in one ankle, occasional pain in the other, and both knees are joining in too. I missed work today, because I woke up and had intense pain in my left knee. How long are we to suffer before a doctor (the people whos job is to care and heal us) does something?
I am sorry, I know you didn't post to get lectured, and I will end it here... Good luck on your surgery! Every one who had her as a surgeon has told me that she is worth the wait. I know you will be happy.
Richard I

Thank you, My wife and I are very excited. We found out about 4 weeks ago that she was pregnant. We has been trying for over a year, and so were pleasantly surprised. My largest hope is that our child is healthy and happy. I know my child will have a wonderful mother, and grandparents who will love him/her with every fiber of their being. We enjoy the privlage of a wonderful, careing, joyus family...
Perhaps I just need time to cool off, but at the moment, I am ready to pronaounce this wls option dead. I don't think I can handle getting my hopes up, just to watch someone smash them on the ground again and again and again. Three surgons, and two insurance compinies have done this to me over and over. Every one keeps saying it is Gods way of telling me that the date was bad and that something would have gone wrong. That could be, but judgeing from my history, I'd say God is telling me that I am not ment to have this surgery.