Mental status
I am still disappointed with myself, and my pre-op weight loss ( I am supposed to loose 35 lbs on my own before my surgery in May)... I guess if I was good at loosing weight on my own, I would not need the surgery, but it still makes me feel pretty down. I went ahead and scheduled an appointment with a psychologist here in town. I saw him before, back when I was having issues with my social phobia. It actually kept me from going to college for a year. With his help and a really excellent friend, I made it to UNM. Anyway, when I was in Scottsdale AZ for my consult, the Psychologist there suggested I talk with a psychologist here, prior to surgery. He felt it was a good move to better understand why I eat and when. Recently I have had mood swings and depression, so I am finally taking his advice. I just hope that the Dr. can help me a little. I know there are many factors to deal with after surgery, many are psychological. So although it is not required by my Surgeon to see the Psychologist, I think I am making a wise move. I am really tired of this short fuse I have had lately.
Any one else go through similar things pre-op... post op?
IMHO, it is the best investment in your future that you could make!!
I saw someone for about 6 months prior to surgery and now 17 months post-op and down ~220# from my pre-op high I am beginning to REALLY see how ingrained my behaviors are.....I seem to have a need to destroy myself. Mostly by eating to much and to often. I am really aware of this and that awareness is keeping me moving aoong a fairly successful path but it is not without effort. I find that I absolutely must stay connected with others who are progressing through this wls journey - we can learn so very much from each other.
I wish you all the success possible. And, enjoy getting re-acquainted with your old therapist.
When my offer for you and your wife to come visit if you ever get back to ABQ - I have a guest room that you are welcome to use. I am sure everyone in the group would love to see you again.
Only the best....Valerie
Thank you Valerie,
It somehow makes me feel better knowing I am not the only one who had these issues. This site is really good at showing the pre and post op physical conditions, but it seems no one says much about the mental and emotional issues. I hear people say things like Ohh I had problems with the "head hunger"... but they drop it there. I have been a mess lately, and hope to get mentally and emotionally sound again, prior to my proceedure. My wife and I would love to come down for a visit. I am not sure if it's possible in the short term, but maybe over spring break... of course I don't think there is a meeting that week... I will have to check the schedule.
Thanks a million.
Do what I did......make out my next day's menu and be sure that it's healthy eating. Be prepared and be sure it's adequate nutrition for yourself. Use a program like dietpower or fitday to see how many carbs, protein and fat grams you're planning to consume the next day. it's alot easier to deal with if you're prepared I think. It worked for me, I lost 28 lbs prior to surgery in about a month's time........all I really did was cut out all processed carbs. that's bread, cereal, pasta.....that sort of thing. You can do this, Richard.........and yes, going to a psychologist will really help deal with the issues as to why you turn to food for comfort in the first place. Hopefully will start you to thinking about food more as a way to stay alive as opposed to making you feel better mentally.......cuz as we all know, that is a very temporary feeling....
I am currently dealing with not liking how my body looks right now due to the saggy skin and dealing with the fact that my blood sugars spike/crash if I eat anything at all that is grain related (processed carbs).
Carol J