Good news of great joy...
Hello again NM,
My wife and I found out that she is pregnant. Two home tests came up positive. We submitted a blood sample today to get a conformation, but it looks like I am going to be a father. I know alot can happen between now and September, but for the moment everything looks good, and I am going to be a FATHER!!!
do the happy dance
So now I have even more reason to have this surgery and make it sucessful. May third here I come... I have a baby to get healthy for!!!!
Pray for us and a healthy pregnancy and an even healthier baby...
Richard I

Thank you,
My wife and I are very excited. I am grateful for what God has given us. The timming couldn't be better, because I should be recovering nicely and looseing weight by the time the baby arrives. That way I can help my wife when she needs me the most. Thank you for your prayers, they are appreciated. God bless...
Richard I