I forgot to mention....
Hello again everybody,
I am still on track for my surgery in May, but I have not done as well on changing my behavior as I might like to have. I am supposed to loose 35 lbs before surgery, as incorporate exercise into my weekly routine. I also have to get cardiology clearance. I was supposed to see the Cardiologist two weeks ago, but he had an emergency procedure at the hospital. So I go in on Monday to get started with the process. He will do an echocardiogram and schedule a nuclear stress test. After those are completed, I don't do anything else until April. In April, I will have more tests and see the Doctor one last time before surgery.
Hope all is well with you all...
Happy New Year
Richard I

I will be thinking of you as your date approaches. I see that you list Dr. Blackstone as your surgeon. I am from Arizona, and if you are having your surgery in May pack lots of shorts and water bottles, cuz man does it get hot (and that is an understatement). Keep us all posted.
What area in New Mexico are you?
Good to know. I went for my consult in November and it was so nice there in Scottsdale, I almost forgot that it was cold here. I can only imagine how hot it will be in May... Ugg what a time to be stuck going to Arizona. I doubt it will be too miserable though, because I will be in air conditioned buildings most of the time (I hope). It is worth it though, even if I do have to suffer thought the heat... I am ready for a new and healthier life.
I am in Farmington, up in the four corners.
Richard I
Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. I have heard nothing but wonderful things about your Dr. It seems like a long time away but the time will just sneak up on you. I don't know if you are a soda drinker but if you are I would suggest that you try to stop now . I stopped about 5 weeks before wls and I had the most severe headaches it was the worst. Best of luck to you for a speedy recovery and uneventful surgery.
All the best, Mary Ann
Thank you, I am excited to begin my new life. So far Dr. Blackstone has been great. I am excited to be her patient.
I used to be a huge soda drinker, but found that my head would hurt when I drank alot of it. I talked to my PA and he said that it was probably effecting my blood pressure. So I quit drinking caffiene over a year ago. When I went to my consult, they told me carbonation was off limits because the carbinated water could actually streach out my stomach... So now I am a completely soda free drinker. I know eventually I will have to modify my fluid intake, but for now I drink alot of water, juicy juce, Milk, and lemonaid.
I wish you continued sucess.
Richard I