Hello New Mexico
Hi Richard
I'm checking out the NM board on this site, I live in Albuquerque and had my surgery 11 months ago with Dr. Acosta in El Paso. It started out to be a lovely day but now the wind is howling and I think we may have some snow on its way here, which would suit this Buckeye gal just fine
Hope you had a great day and happy holidays to you too
Carol J

Hello Carol
I am glad you are checking out the NM board. I have been trying to bring life to this board for a month. I think it offers such a powerful tool for all stages of WLS, I am surprised that so few post here... I hope you will check in often, and maybe spread the word to others you know. It is such a grea**** to talk to others who know what we are talking about, and to network.
Happy Holidays!

I will mention it to the group when we get together again, was going to have our party tonight but the snow made it necessary to cancel it
Maybe some folks will wanna get together at Starbucks on Sunday though.......
I have known about this board for months but just don't remember to check it. I'll give it my best effort though
Maybe we can breathe some new life into it
Carol j

Hey Richard and Carol!
I have been saying for a long time that I wish we all used this board versus teh ABQNBB board. I think it might bring a lot more people to the bigger support world of OH in general. Carol and I was talking about this site just the other day and I am glad to see you found it Carol! Okay, let me know what you guys think about trying to convert folks to this board versus just our local board...I have been trying to do both but NM state board is so slow that it really hasn't offered much interest. I try to check it once a week or so just to steer new comers to the local suppor the local support group, etc. If more of us used this board we may be able to provide support for those who live out of town, like Las Vegas and Sante Fe, etc.
Okay, I am rambling... See ya later and Happy Holidays!