How come no one has posted since 11/3/06?
Richard, I feel the same way you do. I just moved here shortly after my surgery, and because the surgery was in a different state, I could really use that local support. I have emailed many people here on the NM messageboard and I think I got like 1 out of 20 replies. I feel that it is also important to be among people who understand what you are going through. I guess we are just going to have to keep trying. Have a great day. Oh by the way I am in Rio Rancho, where are you at?
I am in Farmington NM, in the 4 cornes area. So if you are ever close, let me know. I used to live in Albuquerque, and there is a great support group there. I still keep in contact with them through e-mail... I will get the contact information to you. I got alot of good out of that group and I miss it.
I know a few people wanting to have surgery, as well as a few who have recently had the proceedure. Maybe I can help get a group going up here
Hi Richard.. I talked to you yesterday ... well corresponded. lol I know.. You would think more ppl would post on here... there is quite a few ppl from here but no one ever posts. Especially no one from the 4 corners. I was wanting to try and get a support group going. I just got approved this morning and Im waiting on my surgery date... i know it will be this month... but just dont know what day. Keep in touch!! Take Care
Hi there
I am new to this website and didn't realize I could post here. I guess I'll try to do it more often!
I live in Rio Rancho. We're starting a lapband support group today as a matter of fact. I'm very excited. I also attend the ABQ group support for WLS in general. The majority of those folks have had gastric bypass which is great! The end results are comparable, but some of the uniqueness of each surgery may warrent some occasional subgroups. Are you in Farmington? There was another person there I think looking for a meeting. Sometimes I'm up in that area and maybe we could all get together: Hope to meet you sometime.

I miss Albuquerque... Oh well... I used to go to the support group there and they are fantastic. I miss them alot, but I keep in touch via e-mail. I just wish was close enough to go to meetings. I would be happy to meet, so I will let you know when I am going to be near Albuquerque, and you let me know if you are ever going to be here in the 4 corners.
Hi Richard,
I am a patient of Dr. Blackstone's and I just wanted to tell you that you are in wonderful hands!
I will be 1 year postop on December 20th and have lost 125 pounds. I'm 9 pounds below the Doc's goal and 4 pounds below mine. I've gone from 17 prescription meds a day down to 4, and 2 of those 4 are at half the dosage. My blood sugars are consistently in the normal range.
Don't know why this board has so little activity. I check it frequently, but it just never seems to move.
Be good to yourself and if you need anything I can help you with, let me know. I'm just an email away!
Great to hear from a fellow Dr. Blackstone patient. I am still waiting to hear anything from Scottsdale. I have called everyday, just to find out if they have everything they need. I understand that they are going through some staffing changes (Freda left, as well as the other surgeon), but heck all I want to know is if everything got to them ok... Anyway... I am sure you will hear from me again.