Any Bandsters in Albuquerque?
Hi There,
No I'm not involved yet, I just had my surgery on Oct. 23, and had some complications that I am trying to over come. Do you go to the support group? Is this the same support group with Richard? I've talked with him in the past, but thought I would NEVER get the surgery....(You know how insurance companies can be) So I held off until now. Who did your surgery and how far out are you? Please write back and let me know. Thanks ~Vicki

How are things going for you??? Did you make it through the holidays so far??? I didn't gain any weight. I'm looking forward to our WLS support groups. ABQNBB meets next Wednesday Jan 3 at 6:30 pm, and I'm hoping to see if the others would be willing to reschedule the lapband support group for Saturday Jan 13 at 3 pm. It is currently scheduled for Jan 6, but I'll be in Tuscon for the ObesityHelp Conference that weekend. I'll let you know. Happy New Year!

Hey VIcki-
AS Carol posted there are several bandsters in teh area that I am aware of...some come to the ABQ meeting and some don't. Everyone is welcome. There are several wls (RNY) folks on the west side that may be looking for a work out buddy. Why not also join teh ABQNBB yahoo group and post for work out friends. I work out on the east side but I am often looking for folks to do outside things with , i.e., hiking, biking, and in the spring I want to try roller blading again down on the bosque. I love to drink coffee and chat so if you ever want to meet for coffee and a chat let me know -
my email is [email protected], send me a message and I will send you my cell number. I get nervous just to put my number out on this huge site.
Okay - I would love to meet you. Valerie