Slowly but Surely
Ok, NM presbyterian Salud will cover the surgery.
I am waiting on the packet, and it is a three step process, but at least it is in motion.
I talked to the hospital in El Paso, they said that presbyterian salud was sending people to Lubbock.
Spoke with two places in Lubbock, Dr Frezza's office, and Dr. Syns office, but not much more can be done until the insurance kicks in.
At least progress is being made, which is alot more than I could say this time last year.

You can fight the insurance and go to the doctors in El Paso if you want to. I live in ALbuquerque and did not want to go to Lubbock, I had Presbyterian Health Plan from work and demanded that I be allowed to go to Del Sol in El Paso.
I wrote them a letter telling them it would be better for me cause my family is there and it would be better financially cause I could drive there and back in a day rather than having to fly or driver a much longer distance.
Good luck to you!
Congrat's on being on the journey for WLS. I am not sure where your at at in NM, but if you are near ABQ there is a local support group and everyone is welcome. Here is the website for the local support group [email protected]. Good Luck. Valerie
First of all, congratulations!!!It is so exciting and scary to go through this time period of deciding to change your life. I had surgery on 9/06 and it was with Dr Syn in Lubbock. I am from Las Cruces, so the drive was about 6.5 hours. I know that sucks but it was worth it. Dr Syn and his staff treat you so well and Dr Syn is extremely competent. I had open RNY and was out of the hospital in 24 hours. Yes, there was a little pain, but it went away. My insurance is Molina Salud, so Dr Syn was the only option for myself. I met another person who had Dr Frezza while in the hospital and they really liked him.
Once I got my consult with Dr Syn, they handled getting the approval from the insurance company. I hope this helps and good luck.
I too am in Las Cruces, so glad to know there is someone so close by!
I have been doing research on Dr. Syn, and called his office to make sure they take pres. salud and they do.
Do they do laparascopic RNY? Guess I will have to do more research and find out.
Also, another person from the weight loss forum said that they pressed the issue to go to El Paso and they were able to.
This might also be a route to take.
Either way it goes, I am still grateful.

I am in santa fe nm and have pres through my husbands employer and tried to go out of network to scottsdale or so.Calif.As that is where I have freinds and family I was denied but as soon as I went back to a Dr. In network I was approved immediately.
I have my consult with Dr.Syn on October 26th. He does not do the RNY laparascpiclly.The nurse says it is done with a minima l incision.
Good luck m.A.
Hello there,
Well, I am going to take it a day at a time.
El Paso would be easier, but like I have said before, I am just grateful to have it done.
I also read that Syn does a 4 in*****ision, I can handle that, will just get tattoo over the scar later
Thank you for posting, I appreciate the support.