Psycologist in Albuquerque
I see your surgeon is from out of the state so doubt they'd have a recommendation for you, however you might try posting this post to the DS forum to see if anyone there has any suggestions to assist you. You can find that forum by clcking the forums tab up top this page and then choosing from the surgery types menu.
Best of luck and congrats on your date!

Dr. Brenda Wolfe is terrific. Also, there are two others that I know of: Dr. Janet Robinson and Dr. Elizabeth Dettmer. All are in Albuquerque and I believe all have done psych evals for the surgery. Best of lucK and congrats on your surgery date, Robbie
PS. In Albuquerque, we have a group that meets 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month. It's a grass roots organization, and since no docs do bariatric surgeries in New Mexico any longer, most of us have gone out of state so there are a variety of surgery types etc. We also have a yahoo group. Just email me or post here if you are interested.