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Had my appointment after the liquid diet yesterday. I'm down 17 pounds since my first appointment (I lost a total of 20 but 3 I gained after my first appointment so I guess they don't count.)
Tentatively I'm scheduled for surgery on October 17!!! I still have to wait for confirmation of this from Raleen though. She said there was a possibility of Sept 26 but I told her Oct 17 would be better anyway since my husband will be laid of then and it will be easier for him to come with me. There are no surgeries on Oct 3 or 10 because the other surgeon Dr. Boone (apparantly they do the surgery together and one will not work without the other) is not available on the 3rd and the 10th is Thanksgiving day. Our surgeries are done on Mondays so if the Monday is a holiday there will not be anyone done that week.
You can expect a long stay in St. John's if you're from out of town. I will have to go to St. John's on Thursday the 13th for Pre-Admission testing on Friday. Then I will have to wait all weekend (not point to drive all the way back to Central) and have surgery on Monday. I will get out of hospital on Wednesday (assuming everything is OK, God willing) but they ask that you stay in St. John's for 7 days after surgery so I won't be able to go back home until the next Monday. I'm not sure how that will work for those of you who live not far from St. John's. This is going to get expensive. (Worth every penny though).
Then as soon as we got back my 3 yr. old granddaughter ended up
in the Janeway and we have been taking care of the 8 month old.
I haven't been in here in a while. I have just been reading and catching
up on everything. Congrats to Jamie on joining the losers bench.

my appointment in June killing myself to lose this 30 lbs. and he said if I
did he would do me before the new year. I know how you must feel.
I am disappointed too.
I still do not have an appointment, and i am trying to be patient..Againing on to what the NP told me on the phone..
So excited for you!!!!