Hi! Newbie here scheduled for FEB 13TH!

on 1/1/12 9:54 pm - Hr. Grace, Canada
To Mary, Newfie02 & Whammond: This is my facebook page.


go here and add me as a friend. Then, I will try and add you
to the site, I've never tried to do it, but, I'm sure I can figure
it out...LOL  I think everyone has to be approved by Jenn, I'm
not sure if that's right or just have to be added by a member.
Anyway, We will try it.

P.S. WooooHooo, I've lost 8lbs. since I started my liquid diet
on the 28th.
on 1/2/12 9:13 am - Canada
 hey me also lost 8 pounds and i started the 27..its not bad i miss chewing tho...lol
on 1/4/12 10:56 pm - Hr. Grace, Canada
Congrats on the 8 lbs. lost newfie02. I have to admit, it's not so bad.
It seems I don't stop eating... I said to my husband the other night , "
I think I ate more than you today" LOL.
on 1/7/12 7:03 am
 Hi deedee,
so happy for you about your upcoming surgery... 12 years seems like such a long time to wait. I have just been referred to dr pace, and have been talking to raleen, she said the wait time for me is a year to a year and a half... and that teels like an eternity to me... dont know if any of you other people on here have felt like it was never going to happen or not... kind of sad, but im a step further than i was before... :)
on 1/7/12 7:49 am
Hi Ladies My name is Sherry I've been on a wait list for years to go out of Province. I had my pre-approval from MCP several years ago but last fall I got a letter from my surgeon in N.B. saying that because the surgery is done here now, MCP will no longer pay for it and I was off his list. Long story short is that because MCP and my doctor weren't aware of Dr. Pace, I was booted from Dr. Savoie's list and am now at the bottom of Dr. Pace's. I just hope Dr. Pace will get to doing some of the larger ppl soon. I don't know how much longer my body will last. I've been in congestive heart failure before and have had a couple of major health scares (severe pneumonia another time), where my husband was told to prepare himself for my death. I have a huge list of other co-morbid medical problems and in my present condition I'm unable to work. I have trouble ambulating and when my chronic pain and fibromyalgia are bad even dressing can be difficult. The extra weight of course make all these problems so much worse. All I can do lately is pipe dream about a better life after this surgery, whenever that is. Have tried to find the FB group, but with no luck. My friend Nadine tried to add me but it's still not showing up for whatever reason. I'd appreciate it, if someone else would add me as well. I got a magic bullet for Christmas and a new coffee maker so I can make some iced coffee drinks etc. I spoke with Rayleen(sp?) before Christmas and she sent me the information for the liquid diet. I thought since I have some time before I get an actual surgery date, that I'd try to lose at least some before. I'm typically NOT a morning eater, so since the new year I've been trying to have a shake when I don't feel like eating, so I'm at least getting something to help boost my metabolism. I think I'm going to start back going to the pool again as well. Even if I have to muck it going on my own. Christmas was especially hard. My mom baked 16 different kinds of cookies, that she pretty much only makes at Christmas time, not to mention her Cherry cake that includes heavy cream and half a pound of cherries, need I say more! haha! My doctor made a remark at my last blood work saying my blood work was good overall, but my cholesterol numbers were fantastic! Well with all the shortbread (with real butter), Cherry Cake (with real cream), Eggnog (with eggs) and all the sugar content, I'm sure my A1C AND Cholesterol numbers are going to take a hit next time. I don't understand what is wrong with me! I have quit smoking and gotten through some pretty tough things in my life. I don't understand why I can't seem to do this and why when I seem to have a little sucess I sabatoge myself??????????
on 1/8/12 1:13 am
I was just at the orientation for Dr. Pace last Saturday. I had been referred to NB two years ago but got told they were no longer taking patients, but then my clinic referred me to Dr. Pace. I mentioned this to Raleen the nurse practitioner, and she said if I can get a copy of that referral to the doctor in NB she will take that into account when deciding the order. Also she said at the meeting that they are doing everyone in order of referral now (more or less), so size shouldn't make a difference now. So definitely talk to your doctor about getting a copy of that referral and talk to Raleen about it, she will probably get you in sometime this year!
on 1/8/12 10:10 am - Canada

Any member of the Facebook group can add you which I guess your friend did but all new members must be approved by the administrator, Jenn Deon.  If Jenn is busy it may take a day or two for you to get approved and get access to the group.

Surgery:  VSG with Dr. David Pace
Surgery Date :  October 17, 2011.      HW: 280    SW: 252    CW: 235    GW:  140  
on 1/12/12 9:23 am - Canada

Don't me to hard on yourself Sherry, you can beat yourself up all day wondering why it so hard to cut back on food when you have overcome a big addiction as smoking, to me in my personal life food was an addiction, i needed it , it made me feel better, whenever you socialize there's always food involved and 9 changes out of 10 with everything put out there might be one veggie try the rest is always pertty fattening, i remember growing up in nfld, the dinners my mother would cook is unbelievable, it makes sense that nflder have the highest colerstral rate per capital in canada, everything is homemade and made with butter,,while it is yummy there are side effect and thus that is why we are here at this point in our lives, i decided to do this just over a year ago, and i am only a few days away from surgery, while i use to urge just drinking that protein shake i kept in my mind , i have to do this, thats it this is my last chance, everything else as failed for me, so i'm gonna suck back this shake and take it like a man..lol.. i wish you all the success and i can tell you want this so bad, so hang in there my friend, i have to ask, does the doctor now handling your file know you were on a waiting list in NB, is there anyway he can push you forward, just a though, either way your getting closer everyday,, msg me if you need any support or words of wisedom , its what i like about these forum boards we are all here for the same reason and all here to support eachother..


on 1/8/12 1:28 pm
 Hi There....I am new to this site...even though my sister is a member and has had the surgery.  I am so happy for her and I can tell you that next year this time you will be a very healthy person.  It has done wonders for her.  Not just the losing of the weight but also what it has done for her other health problems.  I can't say that I have suffered as she did, but I am starting to feel the burden of carrying this weight around.  If you are from Newfoundland, are you doing this through your general practitioner?...meaning, is mcp covering the cost of surgery?. i would love to look seriously into it, but I honestly have no idea of how to begin.  If you could give me any information, I would appreciate it.  If anyone on this site can in anyway help me, I would be more than greatful.  Good luck with your surgery and do everything, exactly, that they ask of you.  I love my sister and to see her so healthy is a joy.
on 1/11/12 11:57 pm
Hi, You go to your medical doctor and they do the referral to Dr. Pace in St. John's. Yes, MCP does cover this surgery (laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is the only one they are doing). But do it fast... the waiting list is expected to get up to 5 years very shortly.
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