A few updates from Jenn

on 7/28/11 11:20 pm - St John's, Canada
Hey ladies,

Sorry I've been incommunicado for the last few weeks.  But I finally updated my blog - http://www.obesityhelp.com/member/jdeon/blog/2011/07/29/the-low-down-on-the-down-low/

How are YOU doing? Updates please! Anyone have surgery scheduled? How is the pre-op diet going? Anyone want some 3x/size 22 clothing?

- HW: 270 lbs. SW: 248 lbs. CW: 185 lbs.
The story of my journey back to health is here: http://www.obesityhelp.com/member/jdeon/uzone,blog/action,view/blog_id,311677/


on 7/28/11 11:33 pm - St John's, Canada
Also, I meant to mention that they now have a Nurse Practitioner (NP) hired full time to oversee the bariatric program here at Eastern Health - her name is Raleen Murphy and I am meeting with her again today, along with the dietitian Rhoda Crawley.

As a NP, Raleen will be able to order blood work and prescribe medication - I expect that she will be our primary contact throughout our journeys.

She doesn't have an office set up yet - BUT, I know that she has been on this forum reading our posts as part of her research, so I am sure that she will "out" herself when she is ready.

on 7/29/11 1:53 am - Conne River, Canada
Great to hear from you!!  I have not heard a thing and trying to stay positive. I am doing my best to stay healthy in the meantime but it is hard. I started counselling with a psycologist inorder to deal with any issues  before, during and after.

I would love to get a consultation appointment. that would be great

on 7/30/11 1:52 am - St John's, Canada

Rhoda and Raleen told me that there have been no more VSG surgeries yet scheduled and they imagine it will be September before Dr. Pace starts again, what with the summer schedules in the OR and everything.

on 8/3/11 3:31 am - Conne River, Canada
Thanks for the updates, Jenn. I'll be in st. Johns on August 25 and 26 for meetings and a few days before and after labor day to get my girls started on their own at their schools.  Maybe we can grab a coffee.

I'm on Facebook if you or anyothers want to "friend" me there too.  Tammy A Drew

Mary C.
on 8/3/11 4:51 am - Glovertown, Canada
Great job with your blog Jenn! 

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