surgery starting in newfoundland
I just received a letter from mcp about approval for coverage out of province. They responded by saying that they would cover RnY bypass surgery but no other type.
However, the good news is that there are plans in the works to start performing surguries here in the very near future. I was told to contact them again in a couple of months. Looks like they will also cover vertical sleve and gastric banding, once things are underway.
Wonderful...I hope it's not to long a wait!
I just received a letter from mcp about approval for coverage out of province. They responded by saying that they would cover RnY bypass surgery but no other type.
However, the good news is that there are plans in the works to start performing surguries here in the very near future. I was told to contact them again in a couple of months. Looks like they will also cover vertical sleve and gastric banding, once things are underway.
Wonderful...I hope it's not to long a wait!
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Good for you Susan. I went to Moncton and had RNY in Aril 08- check my profile and my blog if you like. Hopefully they will get the ball rolling here in NL and start doing bariatric surgery. Years ago - Dr. Pace in St. John's wanted to start doing it - even took names of patients - but the funding etc never came through. He is still practicing at the HSC in St. John's - wonder if it is him that wants to start doing surgeries? Get name your name on the waiting lists anyway - hopefully your wait time won't be too long. And - the squeaky wheel sometimes gets the grease - so follow up and call the offices of the doctor now and then to see where you stand. Good luck! PS - Your artwork is awesome!
Thanks Mary,
I beleive it is Dr. Pace who is trying. He is a great doctor (he performed surgury on my daughter last year). He has a great bedside manner, and I found him to be very direct and honest. I intend to keep persuing this!
Glad you like my art. It's the one thing that keeps me sane!
I beleive it is Dr. Pace who is trying. He is a great doctor (he performed surgury on my daughter last year). He has a great bedside manner, and I found him to be very direct and honest. I intend to keep persuing this!
Glad you like my art. It's the one thing that keeps me sane!
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Please God he'll start soon. I'm on a wait list for N.B. and I have about a 3 year wait. Not to mention all the travel costs that I can ill afford. MCP has already approved out of province, but I know they don't pay the travel expenses. I think you can only claim a percentage on your taxes.
in St. John's
in St. John's
Hi Everyone, I'm new to the site. It's great to know that I'm not alone in this. I've been stuggling with my weight for the past 12 years. Actually, it's due to all the surgeries I've had in the past . Anyways, I didn't know that you could get out of province approval from MCP. So, thanks for the info. I have 2 sisters in New Brunswick so that could be an option for me if they still aren't performing it here in NL.
in Sheppardville.
in Sheppardville.
Wow that is the best news ever,i had an apointment with my fam Dr. today & i told him that i had heard that there was a Dr. in St.John's NL now doing weight lost surgery & he told me he would check into it for me...It wasn't much more then a hr when my Dr. call me & told me it it was true.And right away i'm being set up for curtain tests her to make sure that everything is good with my health to get this surgery done...My Dr. then send a referal letter & get me on the list...I'm so excited.

Post Date: 1/25/11 4:48 am
I was just talking to Dr. Pace's office and they are now taking names for surgery !!!!
You must get your family doctor to send in a referral for you.
This is the most awesome news for Newfoundlander's.... I am so excited
to findly have some hope of getting this done !!!!! YAAAHHHHHWOOOO !!!
I was just talking to Dr. Pace's office and they are now taking names for surgery !!!!
You must get your family doctor to send in a referral for you.
This is the most awesome news for Newfoundlander's.... I am so excited
to findly have some hope of getting this done !!!!! YAAAHHHHHWOOOO !!!