Ocean County Support Group
Well, actually this is a new night (kinda sorta maybe) of the TOMS River Support Group, same people different venue.
Weds December 18th, this next weds.
Jackson, New Jersey @ the Ocean County library on Don Conner street.
More information to follow this is the **teaser announcement** that is manditory in such things : P
School for me is practically over for this term, so I am (*slowly.. slowly) getting back into posting form. I have missed everyone... so I will do better (reallY)
Wed Dec 18th, @ the Jackson Library... 7pm to 9pm... B there B Square!
Hugs to all
Timmy Ray
Dear Timmy,
Devember 18 is on Sunday. Is the meeting on Sunday, or Wednesday, the 21st?? I hope it's Sunday, cause I can make it, but Wednesday I'm taking a class and the 21st is the last session.
I'm feeling pretty good. I've had 8 radiation treatments, 27 to go. I'm VERY VERY VERY fatigued, but that's all!!
Hi Timmy!!! So good to see you back to posting, although I've been just as bad as you ever since going back to work after surgery, so I guess I'm the pot AND the kettle!
Unfortunately, next Wednesday night is my holiday work party, so I won't be able to make it.
But please let me know when it's going to be in January, as I would love to be able to go to another support group meeting every month!
Hope all is well, and if I don't talk to you, have a WONDERFUL holiday!!!