Kathleen Surgery TODAY
Hey folks
Please take a minute to visit the profile of Kathleen, she is having surgery TODAY (Thursday 10-27) in the Camden Area. I am her Angel type Dude, and she could use your moral Support.
Her Profile is at
here on Obesity Help. Please take a second to click and email her, and also if you can post some messages here? This lady is a newbie to our **group** (is that like Our Gang? Can we get like... T shirts? : P)
The hospital is Our Lady of Lourdes 856-757-3500.
Her cell is 856-308-2897. She assures me SHE HAS LOTS OF CELL TIME MINUTES, and I am sure would be thrilled to have a friendly voicemail or two to wake up to.
I PLAN TO SHARE UPDATES today and in the coming days about her surgery **HERE**... but she shared the phone numbers and I wanted to give people a chance to follow her progress.
I spoke to Kathleen on the phone briefly Weds night, she is in good spirits, and has a lot of ***** and enthusiasm. However, she does not have a great deal of family or support system in place, so .... I just figure we have adopted her ... right ?
Please take a second to send some good wishes, a prayer, or a phone call. IF YOU CAN.. call her cell and leave a voice mail... and your phone number if you are so bold.... introduce yourself and say **HOWDY ** ! I spent Christmas in the hospital alone with no family last year, (by choice I might add) and it was a really dimwitted
(what can I say Im male it comes with the Charter membership card) choice. I thought.. Hey Christmas sucks anyhow.... (I was single, alone.. yada yada .. what a difference a year makes : )
Being alone in the hospital without support sucks. So take a moment, reach out.. reach out and touch some oneeeeee.
Seriously. All you cats and cool peoples... lets step up and share some good Cheer with Kathleen. I think she makes an excellent addition to our NJ Board group, and she would welcome your comments, and words of positive energy : )
Thanks everyone.
(We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming, this has been a test of the emergency network. Had this been a true earth shattering moment, you would have been instructed where to tune in your area for detailed instructions on how to embrace your posterior and say farewell... THIS WAS ONLY A TEST).
All joking aside.. please take a moment to email, write, or call her cell and say hello.
Chao : )
Hugs to all... even hugs to Jack ( you never write... you never call.. sniff.. sniff) Its lucky you have Marge ....Jack... really buddy...some guys like you have all the luck :P
Timmy Ray